貌似只有Oracle提供该函数,而且不支持ANSI SQL,语法上也没CASE WHEN清晰,个人不推荐使用。 3.2 在WHERE中特殊实现 SELECTT2.*, T1.*FROMT1, T2WHERE( T2.COMPARE_TYPE='A'ANDT1.SOME_TYPELIKE'NOTHING%')OR(T2.COMPARE_TYPE!='A'ANDT1.SOME_TYPENOTLIKE'NOTHING%') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 这种方法也是...
这种方法也是在特殊情况下使用,要多注意逻辑,不要弄错。 附录:参考资料 1.Oracle CASE WHEN 用法介绍 2.https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/1170/oracle-sql-case-in-a-where-clause
To use CASE, your WHERE clause would have to be: Code: where o.adddte between case When d = 2 then date1 when d = 3 then date3 else date5 end and case When d = 2 then date2 when d = 3 then date4 else date6 end The other problem is the invalid expressions in your SQL li...
INCLUDE = object_type[:name_clause],object_type[:name_clause] 示例 impdp dbmon/dbmon_123 directory=dump_dir network_link=zjzwb2 SCHEMAS=AICBS remap_schema=aicbs:aicbsb include=table:\"IN\(SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM dbmon.TABLES_TOBE_MASKED\)\" LOGFILE=zjzwb.log transform=segment_attributes:n ...
2.1 SELECT CASE WHEN 用法 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECTgrade,COUNT(CASEWHENsex=1THEN1/*sex 1为男生,2位女生*/ELSENULLEND)男生数,COUNT(CASEWHENsex=2THEN1ELSENULLEND)女生数FROMstudentsGROUPBYgrade; 2.3 WHERE CASE WHEN 用法 代码语言:javascript ...
比如写判断式。 还有一个需要注意的问题,Case函数只返回第一个符合条件的值,剩下的Case部分将会...
You can use acaseexpression like this: The database processes the expression from top-to-bottom. It returns the value for the firstwhenclause that is true. If none are true (the percentage is less than 50 or null), it returns the value in theelseclause which is F. ...
the salary of the employee, but notice that some conditions have been added based on what department number the employee is in. You can see that a searched case statement can have many different when clauses, and that you can apply many criteria in those clauses to get the answers you ...