– 11774263, DBMS_XMLstore.deleteXml deletes the wrong rows if the value in the column set by DBMS_XMLStore.setKeyColumn contains trailing spaces – 11741744, Trigger Updates Column to NULL During Update…Returning Even if not Fired – superseded I 117403...
The following characters are not supported in object names and non-key column names. CharacterDescription \ Backward slash (Must be\\when used in parameter file) { } Begin and end curly brackets (braces) [ ] Begin and end brackets
II 9083671, Case insensitive NLS settings affect object name resolution in the dictionary – 9074534, Wrong results from XQuery when pathsubsetting XMLindex is on the column – 9074000, Wrong results using ROWID literals over database link...
* Case Insensitive Query 区分大小写的查询 指定用户是否可以针对该Item进行忽略大小写查询(Default:No) * Update Only if Null 仅为NULL则更新 指明是否只有item值为null时才可以update (Default:No) * Lock Record 锁定记录 修改Item值时记录是否进行行锁定 (Default:No) List of Values(LOV) 值列表(LOV) ...
We've already seen the most common workaround – converting all the characters to a standard case. You can also do case-insensitive comparisons usingregexp_like. But what if you want this to happen transparently, like with column-level collation? Or need accent-insensitive searches?
Oracle is case insensitive to object names, and Oracle schema object names are stored as uppercase. As in Oracle, column, index, stored procedure, and trigger names as well as column aliases in MySQL are case insensitive on all platforms. However, the case sensitivity of database and tables...
大小写限制(Case Restriction) 列名(Column Name) 自动跳离(Automatic Skip) 折行风格(Wrap Style) 数据类型(Data Type) 记录间的距离(Distance Between Records) 图标文件名(Icon Filename) 需要(Required) 帮助提示(Hint) 1.2 表格模块对象属性 控制台窗口(Console Window) ...
在创建 Oracle Source Table 时,在 WITH 参数里面添加 'debezium.database.tablename.case.insensitive'='false' 配置,让其失去“大小写不敏感”特性,在table-name中需指定大写表名。 切换其他的 Oracle 版本。笔者这里使用 Oracle 12c 版本后正常。 其二:数据更新延迟问题 笔者在手动向 Oracle 数据库写数据,通过...
This can be useful when you want to perform case-insensitive or accent-insensitive searches. Here are some examples: •SELECT column_name COLLATE "NLS_SORT=binary_ci" FROM table_name; •SELECT column_name COLLATE "NLS_SORT=binary_ai" FROM table_name; By using these collation options, ...