闪回恢复区(flash recovery area)是一个非常重要的概念, 它不仅存放闪回日志,还有许多与恢复有关的文件,比如,可以存放与RMAN相关的三种自动管理的文件,1.归档日志、2.控制文件自动备份 3.RMAN备份片。当flash recovery area空间不够用,Oracle还可以自动清除一些废弃(obsolete)文件。(PPT-II-49-55)SQL> show paramet...
As a backup administrator, your principal duty is to devise, implement, and manage a backup and recovery strategy. In general, the purpose of a backup and recovery strategy is to protect the database against data loss and reconstruct the database after data loss. Typically, bac...
1.rman的备份信息默认是存放在目标数据库的控制文件中的,存放时间由control_file_record_keep_time参数控制,默认是7天;同时,也可以把rman的备份信息保存到一个独立的数据库中,叫做recovery catalog; 2.使用recovery catalog可以保存更长时间的备份信息,当目标数据库...
2.使用recovery catalog可以保存更长时间的备份信息,当目标数据库的控制文件丢失时非常有用; 3.recovery catalog可以保存多个目标数据库的备份信息,可以保存RMAN stored scripts(类似于存储过程,就是一系列rman脚本);另外如果想要试用永久保留备份的话,必须使用catalog; 4.如果只是简单的备份管理需求的话,建议使用控制文件...
backup filesperset 7 format '/mnt/oracle/backup/cf0_%d_%T_%s' archivelog all delete input; #filesperset 7 delete noprompt obsolete;release channel c1;} # end 执行后,在/mnt/oracle/backup目录下生成三个文件,格式如下:cf0_PMDB_20220402_1112 db0_PMDB_20220402_1107 db0_PMDB_20220402_1108 其...
实例运行中如果普通数据文件头部损坏,在检查点发起后会在控制文件中将该文件置offline,不影响后续实例的使用,包括启停,只是该数据文件中的数据无法访问。 实例运行中如果普通数据文件非头部损坏,仅仅只是该数据文件中受损部分的数据无法访问。 # 查询数据库中的普通数据文件selectfile_id,file_namefromdba_data_fileswher...
The use of Data Domain deduplication is compared to a normal (non-deduplicated) NFS file system in terms of backup time, file system space, restore time, recovery time, andimpact of the operation on the performance of the productiondatabase during the backup operation.EMC GLOBAL SOLUTIONS...
A guide to backup and recovery of Oracle databases, including RMAN backup and recovery, RMAN data transfer, Oracle Flashback Technology, and user-managed backup and recovery Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide, 11gRelease 2 (11.2) ...
All of the data within a database installation is at risk unless one has designed, tested and implemented a robust backup and recovery strategy. The objective of this Oracle 11g training module is to assist you in doing just that. Furthermore, when a major failure occurs, a variety of reco...