Oracle-Sql-Step-by-step: This course covers basic sql, joins, Creating Tables and modifying its structure, Create View, Union, Union -all and much other stuff. A great course and must-have course for SQL starter The Complete Oracle SQL Certification Course : This is a good course for anyb...
Your first step should be to define views that APEX will use to access the E-Business Suite tables. (See Figure 1) These views can include joins and security conditions to hide Figure 1 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW apex_fnd_flex_values (flex_value_set_id , flex_value_id , flex_value , ...
Running noncdb_to_pdb.sql fails with ORA-01219 : DATABASE OR PLUGGABLE DATABASE NOT OPEN: QUERIES ALLOWED ON FIXED TABLES OR VIEWS ONLY.Autoconfig Run Fails With Error 'tackTrace: java.lang.NullPointerException at' Due To Missing 'SELECT_...
Users can query these balances by using different value columns and filters. The following tables contain sample queries that you can use to view different currency balance types and their corresponding results from the sample warehouse data in the preceding table. Note: Ledger 'US Ledger' correspon...
Note: There are 15 fact tables and three temp tables (WS_POSTN, W_UAEMP_ TMP, W_UAPOS_TMP) that must be extended with the new column BU_WID. You must also: - Modify the mappings that populate the data in the temp tables mentioned above. - Change all the mappings that are ...
3) Below are the key tables for SLA in R12 XLA_AE_HEADERS xah XLA_AE_LINES xal XLA_EVENTS xae XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES xte XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS xdl GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES gir Below are the possible joins between these XLA Tables
Oracle E-Business Suite custom schema (XX_APEX in this document), which you used to create the Oracle APEX application, is Edition-Based to comply with Oracle E-Business Suite Online Patching, there are a few differences related to your custom tables and how Oracle APEX handles DML operati...
In the following view, a DELETE operation cannot be performed on the view because both E1 and E2 are key-preserved tables: CREATE VIEW emp_emp AS SELECT e1.Ename, e2.Empno, e1.Deptno FROM Emp e1, Emp e2 WHERE e1.Empno = e2.Empno; ...
Oracle-Sql-Step-by-step: This course covers basic sql, joins, Creating Tables and modifying its structure, Create View, Union, Union -all and much other stuff. A great course and must-have course for SQL starter The Complete Oracle SQL Certification Course ...