--解锁如下用户 SYS> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED --- --- --- --- 3 ORCLPDB READ WRITE NO SYS> alter user apex_public_user account unlock; SYS> alter user apex_public_user identified by apexUser; 配置REST schema SYS> @apex_rest_config.sql Enter a password for...
Oracle APEX is the world's most popular enterprise low-code application platform that enables you to build scalable, secure web and mobile apps, with world-class features, that can be deployed anywhere – cloud or on premises.
pageErrorsContainerSelectorオプションをapex.message.setThemeHooksに追加しました。 filterRegionIdプロパティをfacetsRegionインタフェースに追加しました。 regionインタフェースのrefreshコールバックでPromiseを返すことができるようになりました。 treeViewウィジェットのupdateメソッドに、新し...
在Oracle APEX(Application Express)中,`APP_USER` 是一个预定义的会话级变量,它表示当前登录到APEX应用程序的用户。这个变量可以在应用程序的多个部分中使用,例...
我有一个定制的web应用程序(App-Cust),它需要将单点登录集成/实施到Oracle APEX 5应用程序(App-Apex)。用户在自定义应用程序中以userA身份登录,并且应该基于两个应用程序之间的推力以userAA身份登录到APEX应用程序。即。userA点击App-Cust中的一个按钮/链接,进入App-Apex。App-Cust从App-Apex...
round(nvl(ind.clustering_factor,1)/decode(tab.num_rows,0,1,tab.num_rows),3)*100||'%'"集群因子接近行数"fromdba_tables tab, dba_indexes indwheretab.table_name=ind.table_nameandtab.ownernotin('SYS','SYSTEM','WMSYS','DBSNMP','CTXSYS','XDB','ORDDATA','SYSMAN','CATALOG','APEX_030...
官方地址:https://apex.oracle.com/en/ 1.3Oracle数据库提权 1.3.1Oracle数据库提权主要途径 1. 利用无效对象进行提权 在Oracle中,无效对象指的是失效或异常的存储过程、函数、触发器等。攻击者可以通过修改或者篡改其中的无效对象,实现提权目的。 2. 利用数据库连接字符串提权 ...
As applications grow over time, the cost of the service is still low, due to APEX Service’s pay-per-use and all-inclusive pricing. Note that the service does not charge per application, user, developer, or workspace. Data transfer into and out of the service (ingress and egress) is ...
Use the latest Oracle Database capabilities to further enrich end-user experience. For example, use APEX in conjunction withAI Vector Searchin Oracle Database to combine semantic search for documents, images, and other unstructured data with search on your own private business data. ...
http://localhost:8080/apex Enter: Workspace: DEV_WORKSPACE User Name: devadmin Password: devadmin123 In the first time of logging in Workspace, the system require you to change your password, but you can keep your password intact. You are logged inDEV_WORKSPACEWorkspace. ...