AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE AP_INVOICES AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE GL_INTERFACE table loading data in AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES Payables Credit Card Transaction Interface Payables Invoice Import Interface purging data from Payables Invoice Import tables Payables Open Interface ...
关键字: cross join叉集和笛卡尔集是相同的, 左外链接 left outer join on 右外链接 right 满外连接 full 多表连接大概有等值和不等值连接在查询语句中,还有自连接,和不满足条件的外连接,一般的连接是等值条件连接和外链接用的比较多。 一般的多表连接都要加上表的别名,如果没有加上表的别名其中的列名又相同...
FND: Resource Consumer Group Resource consumer groups are used by the Oracle8i Database Resource Manager, which allocates CPU resources among database users and applications. Each form session is assigned to a resource consumer group. The system administrator can assign users to a resource consumer ...
Therefore, selectively turn on this fix if and only if the forms share the global variables and the first form is closed while other forms are open. 14 What is New in This Patch? The following are the updates to each patch releases: • What Is New in Forms6i Patch 18? • What ...
Le pilote JDBC Oracle est toujours conforme à la dernière version de JDK dans chacune des nouvelles versions. Dans certaines versions, les pilotes JDBC prennent en charge plusieurs versions de JDK. Utilisez le tableau ci-dessous pour choisir le pilote JDBC approprié en fonction de votre versio...
Insert and update to a table do not return the full item, they return only the input properties for the operation. A Primary Key is required to get deterministic paging results for the GetRows operation. Insert row operation requires to provide explicit value for Primary Key column, even though...
PROCEDURE call_web_service(x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, p_enent_rec IN cux_pub_push_iface_dtls%ROWTYPE, x_request_xmltype OUT NOCOPY sys.xmltype, x_response_xmltype OUT NOCOPY sys.xmltype) IS ...
linux-oracle-5.4 (5.4.0-1022.22~18.04.1) bionic; urgency=medium * bionic/linux-oracle-5.4: 5.4.0-1022.22~18.04.1 -proposed tracker (LP: #1890741) * Packaging resync (LP: #1786013) - [Packaging] update variants - [Packaging] update update.conf * soc/amd/renoir: change the module name...
Volume C: (\Device\HarddiskVolume6) needs to be taken offline to perform a Full Chkdsk. Please run "CHKDSK /F" locally via the command line, or run "REPAIR-VOLUME <drive:>" locally or remotely via PowerShell. Volume Shadow Copy Service error Volume Shadow...
DriverManager.getConnection indique l'erreur : « Aucun pilote approprié » Assurez-vous que le pilote est inscrit et que vous utilisez une URL de connexion cohérente avec le pilote JDBC. Pour connaître les valeurs correctes, reportez-vous à Utilisation des pilotes JDBC d'Oracle. Message...