红牛车队(英文名:Oracle Red Bull Racing),是奥地利Red Bull公司(红牛)旗下的一级方程式车队之一,征战世界一级方程式锦标赛。红牛车队成立于2004年。2005年,首次 亮相F1。2009年中国大奖赛,红牛车队包揽冠亚军,获得队史首个分站赛冠军。2010年到2013年期间,红牛车队连续四年获得F1年度车队总冠军,塞巴斯蒂安...
チャンピオンシップを制したOracle Red Bull Racingチームは、レース戦略、エンジン開発、ファンとの関わりなど、さまざまなことを推進するためにOracle Cloudを活用しています。Oracle Red Bull Racingが使用するクラウドと同じクラウドを使用して、貴社のAI、データ、アプリを強化できます。
By signing up, I agree to receive personalised information from Oracle Red Bull Racing, about special offers, team updates, merchandise, events, and activations. *I want to hear from Oracle Red Bull Racing about occasionalthird-party partnersoffers.I want to hear from the Oracle Red Bull Racing...
借助Oracle Advertising and Customer Experience,该团队开发了一个互动平台 Oracle Red Bull Racing Paddock,有助于拉近粉丝与车队成员的距离。其中一个例子是该车队提供了模拟赛车游戏,让粉丝可以在线上驰骋 F1 赛道,并使用 OCI 比较他们与 Verstappen 和 Pérez 的成绩。甲骨文红牛车队乐于与车迷分享车手数据,例如刹车...
By signing up, I agree to receive personalised information from Oracle Red Bull Racing, about special offers, team updates, merchandise, events, and activations. *I want to hear from Oracle Red Bull Racing about occasionalthird-party partnersoffers.I want to hear from the Oracle Red Bull Racing...
ORACLE 红牛赛车的复古赛车手 隆重介绍客制化的 Oracle Red Bull Racing x SUPER73-Z 冒险系列,这是一款电动自行车,可让您快速体验高辛烷值的刺激。 这款独特的车型将 Oracle Red Bull Racing 的冒险精神与 SUPE…
By signing up, I agree to receive personalised information from Oracle Red Bull Racing, about special offers, team updates, merchandise, events, and activations. *I want to hear from Oracle Red Bull Racing about occasionalthird-party partnersoffers.I want to hear from the Oracle Red Bull Racing...
This is why we are offering you the opportunity to team up with Oracle and Red Bull Racing Honda to join a series of Hands-on Labs which uses race data to teach machine learning. These labs, three in total, will progress in terms of difficulty. This...
Oliver Hughes, Red Bull Racing Chief Marketing Officer, added: “We’re excited to bring a major partner such as Oracle into Formula 1, and with a focus on pushing the limits in everything that we do, finding the right partner for our journey to the Cloud was absolutely crucial. Layering...
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