ANALYZE_SCHEMA Oracle only.Analyzes all the tables in theschema. By default, this procedure runs once a week as part of the Scheduled Cleanup Tasks workflow. API_CONFIG_SETTLEMENT DSM associates settlements with an item and a location level and is shipped pre-configured to an existing item and...
select table_name,num_rows,blocks,empty_blocks from user_tables where table_name='table'; 总结:这是对命令与工具包的一些总结 1、对于分区表,建议使用DBMS_STATS,而不是使用Analyze语句。 a) 可以并行进行,对多个用户,多个Table b) 可以得到整个分区表的数据和单个分区的数据。 c) 可以在不同级别上...
REFs, varrays, nested tables, LOBs (LOBs are not analyzed, they are skipped), LONGs, or object types. (4)PARTITION | SUBPARTITION:对分区表或索引进行分析 (5)CLUSTER cluster:对簇进行分析,分析的结果会放在ALL_CLUSTERS, USER_CLUSTERS and DBA_CLUSTERS. compute_statistics_clause (6)语法:COMPUTE [...
create table tab (col1 varchar2 (10)); create index idx1 on tab (upper (col1)); analyze table a compute statistics; -- 21、调整没有添加数据文件的表空间 --- 另一个 DDL 查询来调整表空间大小 alter database datafile '/work/oradata/STARTST/STAR02D.dbf' resize 2000m; -- 22、检查表...
analyze table tablename compute statistics 等同于 analyze table tablename compute statistics for table for all indexes for all columns for table的统计信息存在于视图:user_tables 、all_tables、dba_tables for allindexes的统计信息存在于视图: user_indexes 、all_indexes、dba_indexes ...
--Oracle analyze 收集表的如下统计信息,其中加星号的会准确收集,收集的信息放在user_tables,all_tables 和 dba_tables 里的对应字段,下面的括号内是对应的字段: (1)Number of rows (NUM_ROWS) (2)* Number of data blocks below thehigh water mark—the number of data blocks that have been formatted to...
This user also uses the data warehouse services to further analyze the audit data to look for trends, intrusions, anomalies, and other items of interest. The installation process creates and grants a user account with this role. However, during installation, you optionally can bypass creating ...
CREATE TABLE tab (col1 VARCHAR2 (10)); CREATE INDEX idx1 ON tab (UPPER (col1)); ANALYZE TABLE a COMPUTE STATISTICS; 调整没有添加数据文件的表空间 另一个 DDL 查询来调整表空间大小 ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/work/oradata/STARTST/STAR02D.dbf' resize 2000M; ...
sql代码 ORACLE9以后如果你想用基于成本的优化器,需要定期(每周)对数据库里的表 和索引做analyze分析。 数据库参数文件initorasid.ora里默认的优化器optimizer_mode=choose 你要改成optimizer_mode=first_rows(OLTP系统) optimizer_mode=all_rows(DSS系统) 下面是一个可以在UNIX环境自动生成分析表和索引的脚本analyze...
SQL> select table_name,num_rows,a.blocks,a.last_analyzed from all_tables a where a.table_name='WORK_LIST'; 分析数据库(包括所有的用户对象和系统对象):gather_database_stats 分析用户所有的对象(包括表、索引、簇):gather_schema_stats 分析表:gather_table_stats ...