按组添加日志文件LOGFILE并作出相关查询:ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP 4('log1a.rdo','log2a.rdo')size 5000k; SQL> ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP 4('log1a.rdo','log2a.rdo')size 5000k; Database altered 重新查询logfile日志文件: SQL> select * from v$logfile; GROUP# STATUS TYPE MEMBE...
PCT_INCREASEDecimal範圍大小增加百分比。 PCT_THRESHOLDDecimal每個索引項目所允許之區塊空間的臨界值百分比。 INCLUDE_COLUMNDecimal要併入依索引進行組織之資料表主索引鍵 (非溢位) 索引的最後一個資料行的資料行 ID。 此資料行對應至 *_TAB_COLUMNS 資料字典檢視表的 COLUMN_ID 資料行。
ALTER TABLE test1 ADD photo VARCHAR2(20); 修改列 修改tname列的varchar长度为40 ALTER TABLE test1 MODIFY tname VARCHAR2 ( 40 ); 删除列 ALTER TABLE test1 DROP COLUMN photo2; 重命名某列 ALTER TABLE test1 RENAME COLUMN tname TO username; 重命名表 RENAME test1 TO test2; 删除表 DROP TABLE t...
ORA-12899: VALUE TOO LARGE FOR COLUMN(ACTUAL,MAXIMUM) If you are facing problem while updating a column size of a table which already has data more than the new length below is the simple script that would work definitely. ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME ADD (NEW_COLUMN_NAME DATATYPE(DATASIZE));...
37、 increase for extent sizeSTATUSVARCHAR2(16)Rollback segment statusINSTANCE_NUMVARCHAR2(40)Rollback segment owning Real Application Clusters instance numberRELATIVE_FNONUMBERNOT NULLRelative file number of the segment headerdba_ts_quotas ColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NUL ...
next_extent, min_extent, max_extent, pct_increase, FREELISTS, freelist_groups, LOGGING, BUFFER_POOL, num_rows, blocks, empty_blocks, ***g_space, chain_cnt, ***g_row_len, sample_size, last_analyzed FROM dba_tab_partitions --WHERE table_name = :tname AND table_owner = :towner ...
calculated size of each new extent to the nearest multiple of the data block size. If you change the value of the PCTINCREASE parameter by specifying it in an ALTER statement, then Oracle calculates the size of the next extent using this new value and the size of the most recently ...
RXC_DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE controls the size of the buffer space used for running a Validation or Derivation Procedure in debug mode. The installed default value is 200000; you may want to increase it to 1000000. A.2.1.6 RXC_IMMED_QUEUE Batch queue for blocking PSUB jobs, on UNIX only If yo...
column comp_name format a40 set linesize 140 pagesize 999 select comp_name, version, status from dba_registry; 1. 2. 3. 针对对象 SQL> create table invalid_objects_20170206 as select * from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID'; 1. ...