column owner format a16 column object_name format a36 column start_day format a11 column block_increase format 9999999999 select obj.owner, obj.object_name, to_char(sn.BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME,'RRRR-MON-DD') start_day, sum(a.db_block_changes_delta) block_increase from dba_hist_seg_stat a, ...
如果表中的数据量非常大,可能需要考虑分表或分区表,分表是将一个大表分成多个小表,可以提高查询性能和管理效率,分区表是将一个大表按照某个字段的值分成多个子表,可以实现高效的数据管理和查询,在Oracle数据库中,可以使用以下SQL语句创建分区表: CREATE TABLE your_table (column1 datatype, column2 datatype, ...
alter tablespace 表空间名称 add datafile '新的数据文件地址' size 数据文件大小 例如: alter tablespace ESPS_2008 add datafile '\oracle\oradata\anita_2010.dbf' size 1000m 方法二:设置表空间自动扩展。 alter database datafile '数据文件位置' autoextend on next 自动扩展大小 maxsize 最大扩展大小 例如...
drop tablespace tablespace_name; alter database datafile '/xxx/xxx/undotbs_datafile_name1.dbf' offline drop 注意,应该先创建好回滚段表空间,并使之生效,然后才能再删除现有回滚段表空间1.1.2.4. 表空间大小查看:set linesize 300 set pagesize 999 SELECT a.tablespace_name, ROUND (a.total_size) "...
PCT_INCREASEDecimal範圍大小增加百分比。 PCT_THRESHOLDDecimal每個索引項目所允許之區塊空間的臨界值百分比。 INCLUDE_COLUMNDecimal要併入依索引進行組織之資料表主索引鍵 (非溢位) 索引的最後一個資料行的資料行 ID。 此資料行對應至 *_TAB_COLUMNS 資料字典檢視表的 COLUMN_ID 資料行。
Action: Modify the query, or the column size for feedback table, or feedback procedure arguments accordingly. DRG-10829 feedback id string is longer than the maximum length of string bytes Cause: FEEDBACK_ID is longer than the maximum allowed length for the FEEDBACK_ID column. Action: Use...
remote column size does not get modified 利用CTAS方式通过透明网关创建非ORACLE数据库的表结构导致列长度增大 文档ID374744.1 Using a Gateway with a Unicode Oracle Database Increases the Column Precision Three Times for Certain Data Type _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing NONE 是否允许优化器使用扩展游标共享...
The file size limitations of the underlying operating system limit the amount of data in a BFILE. XMLType As part of its support for XML, Oracle9i introduced a datatype called XMLType. A column defined as this type of data will store an XML document in a character LOB column. There are...
CREATE TABLE Note If a CREATE TABLE operation creates a partitioned table or a table that contains functions, DTS does not synchronize the operation. ALTER TABLE, including only ADD COLUMN, DROP COLUMN, RENAME COLUMN, and ADD INDEX DROP TABLE RENAME TABLE, TR...
37、 increase for extent sizeSTATUSVARCHAR2(16)Rollback segment statusINSTANCE_NUMVARCHAR2(40)Rollback segment owning Real Application Clusters instance numberRELATIVE_FNONUMBERNOT NULLRelative file number of the segment headerdba_ts_quotas ColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NUL ...