Oracle Database 21cClient (21.3) for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) Download Description (64-bit) (866,236,510 bytes) (sha256sum - 26ce71a7085a150513018e1dd93c5fac691dba887b301cd05447b94e52438345) ...
Contains the Oracle Client Libraries for Windows. Download if you want the client libraries only 2:解压压缩包 到Oracle_Home 目录 在本文中,ORACLE_HOME目录如下:E:\SoftWare\Develop_software\Oracel21c\app\oracle\product\21.3.0\dbhome_1 所有文件将解压到该目录。 安装Oracle数据库21.3 获取镜像后,点击...
Oracle Database 21cClient (21.3) for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) Contains the Oracle Client Libraries for Windows. Download if you want the client libraries only 2:解压压缩包 到Oracle_Home 目录 在本文中,ORACLE_HOME目录如下:E:\SoftWare\Develop_software\Oracel21c\app\oracle\product\21.3.0\dbhome...
Download the latest Database Software 19c or all previous versions 18c, 12c and 11g for Windows, Linux Oracle Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX and more.
In addition to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Database Cloud (VM and Bare Metal) and Autonomous Database free-tier services, Linux and HPIA, Oracle Database 21c is now available for development and deployment on Windows - this includes the general ava
CentOS 7.9安装Oracle 21c历险记 因为有个场景,需要用到Oracle 21c的环境中,打算在云主机上安装一个。看了一下官网的安装文件下载,目前提供了三个平台(Linux x86-64、HP-UX ia64和Windows x64)的介质,
因为有个场景,需要用到Oracle 21c的环境中,打算在云主机上安装一个。看了一下官网的安装文件下载,目前提供了三个平台(Linux x86-64、HP-UX ia64和Windows x64)的介质, ...
在Oracle12c中,当我们通过容器的方式对数据库进行整合后,其升级方式变得更加灵活,整合后我可以选择对容器中的所有PDB数据库进行升级,也可以通过克隆/移动以及unplug/plug的方式对其中的某一个PDB数据库进行升级从而不影响容器中的其他PDB数据库。 如下将演示如何通过unplug/plug的方式升级pdb数据库。
Latest Available Microsoft Windows Patches比如我们要下载Oracle 11204 for Linux x86_64安装包以及11.的PSU。Oracle 11204软件包左侧选择Oracle Database Patchsets,然后点击Patchsets ID 13390677。再次点击进入下载页面。点击右侧的Download按钮,弹出下载框。点击文件名即可下载,同样通过Show Digest Details显...
Oracle 19c is still the long-term release till Oracle releases Oracle 23ai On-Premises for Windows and Linux. Oracle 23ai release was postponed to 2025. Oracle 19c is supported and certified with ArcGIS. Therefore, if you are using 21c then consider downgrading to Oracle 19c ...