json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'REMARK'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'PROD_YEAR'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'PROD_SEASON'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'FOR_SEASON'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'PROD_THEME'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'PLAN_BATCH'...
1:Json数据 { "msg_no": "EA","list": [{ "ORIENTATION": "男款","msg_no": "件","LIST_PRODUCT_ALIAS": [{ "SAP_ZZSTATUS": false,"RECKON_TYPE": "20服饰","PROD_STATE": "A","msg_no": "件","table": "LIST_PRODUCT_ALIAS","PROD_GRID": "3000225","query_no": "...
--v_id := json_ext.get_string(v_injson, 'CallInfo.orderHeader.id'); v_ordercode := json_ext.get_string(v_injson, 'CallInfo.orderHeader.ordercode'); v_customer_name := json_ext.get_string(v_injson, 'CallInfo.orderHeader.customer_name'); v_delivery_time := substr(json_ext.get...
publicstaticInteger getArrayLength(String jsonArrayStr){ Integerlength = 0; try { if(jsonArrayStr == null || !jsonArrayStr.startsWith("[") || !jsonArrayStr.endsWith("]")){ length = -1; }else{ JSONArray jsonArr = new JSONArray(jsonArrayStr); length = jsonArr.length(); } } cat...
function SetSubTable() { var obj = jQuery.parseJSON($("#SubJsonStrValue").val()); ...
oracle 11g 版本之前,创建自定义函数--解析JSON字符串.sql,1.创建一个type,返回table类型CREATE OR REPLACE TYPEty_str_splitIS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(6000);/2.创建一个分割的函数,主要对jso
Oracle 11g是一种关系型数据库管理系统,而JSON是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。在Oracle 11g中,可以使用regexp_replace函数来处理JSON数据。 regexp_replace函数是Oracle数据库中的一个正则表达式函数,用于在字符串中查找并替换符合指定模式的子字符串。它可以用于对JSON数据进行各种操作,包括替换、删除、提取等。
---2.创建一个分割的函数,主要对json进行按照固定割串分割 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_split (p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_delimiter IN VARCHAR2) RETURN ty_str_split IS j INT := 0; i INT := 1; len INT := 0; len1 INT := 0;
Select data columns as shown in this example query: SELECT orderId, orderTitle, orderDesc, allowedUsers, allowedGroups, deniedUsers, deniedGroups, createdDateTime, isDeleted The SQL connectors don't allow column names with nonalphanumeric characters in the SELECT clause. Remove any nonalphanumeric...
Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) is a NoSQL query language for storing, editing and deleting JSON documents. With this the Oracle database can be used like a 'Document Database'. In a 'Document Database' the data of an application is not mapped to one or more relational tables (with...