json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'REMARK'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'PROD_YEAR'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'PROD_SEASON'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'FOR_SEASON'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'PROD_THEME'), json_ext.get_string(v_onejson, 'PLAN_BATCH'...
1:Json数据 { "msg_no": "EA","list": [{ "ORIENTATION": "男款","msg_no": "件","LIST_PRODUCT_ALIAS": [{ "SAP_ZZSTATUS": false,"RECKON_TYPE": "20服饰","PROD_STATE": "A","msg_no": "件","table": "LIST_PRODUCT_ALIAS","PROD_GRID": "3000225","query_no": "...
--v_id := json_ext.get_string(v_injson, 'CallInfo.orderHeader.id'); v_ordercode := json_ext.get_string(v_injson, 'CallInfo.orderHeader.ordercode'); v_customer_name := json_ext.get_string(v_injson, 'CallInfo.orderHeader.customer_name'); v_delivery_time := substr(json_ext.get...
获取json后第一个冒号 select instr(TO_CHAR("目标字段"),':',JSON_INS) INTO M_INS from "目标表" T WHERE "表唯一主键"=KREC_ID; --获取json后第一个逗号 select instr(TO_CHAR("目标字段"),',',JSON_INS) INTO D_INS from "目标表" T WHERE "表唯一主键"=KREC_ID; --最后一位json无...
Oracle 11g是一种关系型数据库管理系统,而JSON是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。在Oracle 11g中,可以使用regexp_replace函数来处理JSON数据。 regexp_repla...
$loadjava -r -f -o -user oracle_userName/password@sid json-org.jar 4、 不使用时将jar删除 $dropjava -r -f -o -user oracle_userName/password@sid json-org.jar 5、 授权普通用户SocketPermission,已达到可以访问对应http接口 $sqlplus / as sysdb ...
oracle 11g 版本之前,创建自定义函数--解析JSON字符串.sql,1.创建一个type,返回table类型CREATE OR REPLACE TYPEty_str_splitIS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(6000);/2.创建一个分割的函数,主要对jso
JSON 複製 "source": { "type": "OracleSource", "query": "SELECT * FROM <TABLENAME> PARTITION(\"?AdfTabularPartitionName\") WHERE <your_additional_where_clause>", "partitionOption": "PhysicalPartitionsOfTable", "partitionSettings": { "partitio...
---2.创建一个分割的函数,主要对json进行按照固定割串分割 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_split (p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_delimiter IN VARCHAR2) RETURN ty_str_split IS j INT := 0; i INT := 1; len INT := 0; len1 INT := 0;
In this example the loop will only be excuted once because LOCATION_ID is a primary key. The loop body concatenates the address data fields into a single string. Beware of security issues with using eval() in this way. One of the many third party JSON parsers would be safer for a ...