从10g开始,性能调优的重点已经不再单纯是提高缓存击中率了。 OWI是一种用于定位process bottlenecks(即wait events)的方式: 包括I/O、locks、latches、bk process activities、network latencies等等。它记录了所有这些事件的等待次数和总的等待时间。 在OWI之前,要定位问题必须将checklist上的所有项目都执行一遍,再根据...
1、Buffer Nowait %session申请一个buffer(兼容模式)不等待的次数比例。 需要访问buffer时立即可以访问的比率, 不兼容的情况 在9i中是 buffer busy waits,从10g以后 buffer busy waits 分离为 buffer busy wait 和 read by other session2个等待事件 : 9i 中 waitstat的总次数基本等于buffer busy waits等待事件的...
Oracle High Performance Tuning for 9i and 10gIngram, Geoff
1 Oracle VM – 10GbE Network Performance Tuning o Two systems, each with 2 sockets, 4 CPU cores per socket, and 2 threads per core (a total of 16 CPU threads), and 24GB of memory o dom0 with 8 VCPUs, and 2G of memory o dom0 -> dom0 : ~9.4Gb/second o dom0(a) -> a ...
Oracle Performance Tuning —— 我的学习理解过程 1. Gathering Database Statistics Using the Automatic Workload Repository Gathering database statistics using the AWR is enabled by default and is controlled by theSTATISTICS_LEVELinitialization parameter. TheSTATISTICS_LEVELparameter should be set toTYPICALor...
Oracle Database 10g Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques (Osborne ORACLE Press Series) 作者: Richard Niemiec 出版社: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media出版年: 2007-07-30页数: 967定价: USD 59.99装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780072263053豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 ...
parallel_automatic_tuning 如果设置为 TRUE,Oracle 将为控制并行执行的参数确定默认值。除了设置该参数外,你还必须为系统中的表设置并行性。以在10g中废弃,只为向下兼容保留。 PARALLEL_MIN_TIME_THRESHOLD This parameter specifies the minimum execution time a statement should have before the statement is consider...
除本书外,他还著有Oracle SQL High Performance Tuning、Oracle Desk Reference及MySQL Stored Procedure Programming。译 者 简 介:郑勇斌 Oracle DBA和数据架构师,IT从业超过10年,曾经从事过政府和企业门户、业务系统、网站系统的开发和架构工作,2006年转型成为Oracle DBA,专职Oracle管理和性能优化。曾供职北大...
Not without the right monitoring tools. When you’re managing increasingly complex database environments, both on-premises and in the cloud, it’s hard to keep up. What if you could easily get the information you need to improve Oracle monitoring and tuning? This would mean you could proactiv...