Oracle每个表或视图的内部限制为1000列,显然我用来限制结果集的包装器SQL正在创建一个应用此限制的临时视图,导致整个操作失败。 是否有另一种分页方法不会创建这样的视图,否则不会受到1000列限制的影响? 我对将工作分解成块而不选择> 1000列等的建议不感兴趣,因为我已经完全了解所有这些方法。 "选择超过1000列",您...
v_column varchar2(10); v_name varchar2(10); begin v_column := 'id'; v_sql_1 := 'delete from emp where ' || v_column || ' = :1 returning name into :2'; execute immediate v_sql_1 using 7369 returning into v_name; dbms_output.putline(v_name); commit; end; / 1. 2. ...
C . An UNUSED column's space is reclaimed automatically when the row containing that column is next queried. D . Partition key columns cannot be dropped. E . A DROP COLUMN command can be rolled back. F . A column that is set to UNUSED still counts towards the limit of 1000 columns pe...
Ability to add total hours per day to the date column header. List View - Implemented mouse hover functionality on rows in the list view to better indicate selectability. New Design Time support has also been added for the ListView. Export to CSV. Added support to export table/tree/tree...
set echo off set lines 300 set pagesize 1000 col reclaimable for a20 COL used for a20 COL QUOTA FOR A20 COL NAME FOR A30 col used1 for 99999 heading 'USED%'; prompt "RECOVERY FILE DEST AND SIZE" SELECT substr(name, 1, 30) name, round(space_limit/1024/1024)||'M' AS quota, roun...
The database transparently sends online transactional processing (OLTP) queries, such as primary key lookups, to the buffer cache, and analytic and reporting queries to the IM column store. When fetching data, Oracle Database can also read data from both memory areas within the same query. The...
Using a Gateway with a Unicode Oracle Database Increases the Column Precision Three Times for Certain Data Type _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing NONE 是否允许优化器使用扩展游标共享 禁用自适应游标共享,避免出现cursor sharing导致的子游标过多的问题 _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel NONE 是否允许优化...
Translatable text fields have a limit of 1,000 characters. Number type fields have a maximum size and precision of 22.5 (22 digits to the left of the decimal and 5 digits to the right). Column A list of values that enables you to specify the column in which the attribute is stored in...
<ColumnName> 是您要屏蔽的值所属列的名称。实际的重映射逻辑位于 <PackageName>.<FunctionName> 内。 现在,您可以将表导入到非生产数据库中。导入完成后,如果您检查该表的值: SQL> select * from accounts; ACC_NO ACC_NAME ACC_SSN --- --- --- 1 John Smith 645270861 2 Jane Doe 538996590 注意...