I will try some of your ice cream. 查看更多回答 Q: 請提供關於 oraciones en inglés con el primer condicional de forma afirmativa negativa o en pregunta 的例句給我。 A: "if Karen drinks too much, she could end up in the hospital" suena más natural. :) buenos ejemplos de la ...
• I have so much math homework to do. I just don't know how I will ever catch up! • That guy is running so fast. I don't know if I can catch up to him. • Let's have dinner sometime, and try to catch up on the details of each others' lives. •
“The person kneeling inprayerstands up so strengthened, ah, so strengthened, so extraordinarily strengthened.” Literature Trata de nohacer oracionesrepetitivas cuando sea tu turno de orar. Try notto sayrepetitiveprayerswhen it’s your turn to pray. ...
Prueben decir oraciones completas. Why don't you guys try a few complete sentences? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Decir una oración, decir unas palabras en tu cabeza y seguir adelante. Say a prayer, say a few words in your head and you move on. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 ...
Lee las oraciones que contienen las palabras y trata de escribir tu propia definición u oración que contenga esta importante palabra. Read the sentence that contains the word and try to write your own definition or sentence that contains this important word. ParaCrawl Corpus ...
Thefollowing prayeris for physical healing against sickness and diseases. Prior to prayingthe prayertry toreadand meditate on these scriptures below. They will help to build your faith. ParaCrawl Corpus En el Zenit se puedeleerlosiguiente: “Gracias a iBreviary de ‘Pro Terra Sancta’ será posible...