RMAN> startup nomount startup failed: ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/data/oracle/product/11.1/database/dbs/initrac11g1.ora' starting Oracle instance without parameter file for retrieval of spfile RMAN-00571: === RMAN-00569: === ...
各位大神 ORACL..登陆时提示ORA-01304和ORA-27101,好像是数据库没起来,通过sqlplus命令查看数据库状态时,输入指令不显示输入用户名和口令,查看环境变量正常
Uporaba predlaganih dejanj za ustvarjanje dogodka koledarja Če želite za ustvarjanje dogodka koledarja uporabiti predlagana dejanja, morate imeti v računalniku nameščeno vsaj eno aplikacijo za koledar. Dogodek dodate v koledar tako: Označite in kopirajte ...
Litchi downy blight, caused by Peronophythora litchii, is one of the most important diseases of litchi. Sensitivities of P. litchii to four QoI fungicides including enestroburin, SYP-1620, SYP-2815 and ZJ0712, were tested in vitro at different development stages. The results showed that all...
ORA-04045错误表示在尝试重新编译或重新验证数据库对象(如表、视图、包、过程、函数等)时遇到了问题,导致该对象无法被正确编译或验证。 可能导致ORA-04045错误的常见原因 对象损坏:数据库对象可能因为各种原因(如硬件故障、不恰当的数据库操作等)而损坏。 依赖问题:对象可能依赖于其他已经不存在的对象或者依赖链中存在...
caching? If so, how did they enable this? Is this a function of the hard drive they are using, or some special software they are using? The reason this is important is that write-back caching is known to corrupt Oracle databases on all platforms, while write-through is safe. The reason...
Conclua estas etapas antes de instalar o software da impressora no computador. Se o hardware da impressora já estiver configurado, consulte Etapa 8: Instalar o software no final deste documento para obter ajuda na instalação do software. How to Unpack and Set Up HP LaserJet Pro M...
整个桌子被反射到底座内部的镜子中,加强了动感,这张餐桌很有动感,就像一个漩涡,三条腿向上旋转,这三条腿的厚度随着它们的上升而变化,整个桌子被反射到底座内部的镜子中,加强了运动,创造了深度品牌:罗奇堡 rochebois餐桌设计师:Ora lto于2012年设计出品产地:意大利材质:玻璃、304#不锈钢应用场景:客厅、餐厅#餐桌推荐 ...
动次打次…最燃ora歌曲你喜欢哪个? 德宏文旅 2023-02-01 12:24 云南 目瑙纵歌节之际大家欢聚一堂在目瑙纵歌中载歌载舞尽享盛宴 目瑙纵歌的音乐规模宏大 气势壮阔,节奏井然有序,刚健明快 在木鼓、硭锣、洞巴、吐良 笛子等乐器的伴奏下 “哦然”的歌声响彻...
Vista frontal de la impresora Figura: Vista frontal de la impresora Panel de control retroiluminado de 2 líneas Botón de liberación de la puerta frontal (acceso al cartucho de tóner) Botón de encendido/apagado Bandeja 3 (opcional)