列定义不允许 NULL:在数据库表设计时,某些列可能被定义为 NOT NULL,这意味着这些列在插入或更新记录时必须具有非空值。 插入语句未提供值:在执行 INSERT 语句时,如果未为 NOT NULL 列提供值,并且该列没有默认值,则会发生此错误。 更新语句将值设为 NULL:在执行 UPDATE 语句时,如果尝试将 NOT NULL 列的值...
REPLICAT Reports ORA-01400: Cannot Insert NULL When Using HANDLECOLLISIONS (文档 ID 1576900.1) REPLICAT tried to UPDATE an existing row, but none was found, so due to parameter HANDLECOLLISIONS, the failed UPDATE was converted into an INSERT. That INSERT then failed because the Trail file did no...
- ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DVSYS"."REALM_OBJECT$"."OWNER_UID#")- ORA-06512: at line 7- ORA-06512: at line 2-> Error at line 165457: script rdbms/admin/catmacd.sql- ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DVSYS"."REALM_AUTH$"."GRANTEE_UID#")- ORA-06512: at line...
在我的代码中,我输入了employees表中没有的薪水,然后在exception块的employee表的主键列中再次插入了重复的employee_id,其中我正在处理没有发现异常的数据,但我不知道为什么即将到来的输出:ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."EMPLOYEES"." 浏览2提问于2010-04-18得票数 2 回答已采纳 1回答 插...
INSERTINTOcustomer(customer_id,customer_name,email_address)VALUES(2,NULL,'new@xyzcompany.com'); SQL Error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("INTRO_USER"."TEST_CUSTOMER"."CUSTOMER_NAME") 01400. 00000 - "cannot insert NULL into (%s)" ...
alter table hxl.mytables add supplemental log data (ALL) columns; 或是 add trandata ora12cpdb1.hxl.mytables allcols 或是在主库的抽取进程(EXT)添加如下参数: nocompre
aHere, we set the TC of an OV, whose forking pattern in the interferogram orientates upward, to be +1 (and vice versa). 这里,我们设置OV的TC,分叉的样式在interferogram朝向得向上,是+1 (和反之亦然)。[translate] aORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APTS"."SERVICES_MASTER"."BUSSTOPNAME...
cdn-sync command fails to sync channel rhel-x86_64-baseos-8 RHEL 8 channel synchronization on Red Hat Satellite 5.8 fails with below error, Raw DATABASE ERROR: (1400, 'ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("CLOSAT3"."RHNKICKSTARTABLETREE"."INSTALL_TYPE")\n' Environment...
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into Error text: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into when insert into view, NULL value handler in trigger. 2次错误都是trigger missing, trigger里面
生产库备份遇到ORA-01400 错误~当rman 不使用 catalog时,RMAN 命令可以正常实施~!当rman 备份使用catalog数据库时,执行rman 命令总是报错:ORA-01400:cannot insert NULL into ("RMAN_YANGDB"."RLH"."LOW_TIME") RMAN> resync catalog; starting full resync of recovery catalog ...