Oracle SOA Suite - Version and later: "java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-904: "TENANT_ID": invalid identifier" after Upgrade from to
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 904 encountered ORA-00904: : invalid identifier . . exporting table BJ_CATEGORIES 175 rows exported EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1003 encountered ORA-01003: no statement parsed . . exporting table BJ_LOCATION 12 rows exported EXP-00008: ORACLE error 904 encountered ORA-00904:...
ORA-00904: "ROWID" invalid identifier 经查询,第一个rowid必须设置一个别名,如下: create materialized view t_v as select t1.*,1 as marker,rowid as rid from t1 t1 union all select t2.*,2 as marker,rowid from t2 t2; 问题解决。 注:也有可能会在refresh的时候出现ora-904,可参考:https://or...
While trying to generate the AWR report, I obtained the error ora00904 - invalid identifier. While this can be solved by granting the permissions below... grant select_catalog_role to ; grant execute on dbms_workload_repository to ; how do we check to which database user should this be ...
create materialized view t_v as select t1.*,1 as marker,rowid from t1 t1 union all select t2.*,2 as marker,rowid from t2 t2; ORA-00904: "ROWID" invalid identifier 经查询,第一个rowid必须设置一个别名,如下: create materialized view t_v as ...
我将A服务器下的导入B服务器时其中一个表出现以下错误,出错误后我单独将这个表导出,然后导入。B服务器下已有T_CALLREORDS表,并且已有新数据,T_CALLREORDS有外键约束T_USER表。我的语句如下C:UsersAdministrator>imp gxcfkefu/gxcfkefu full=y file=e:/gxcf_T_CAL…显示全部 ...
You are getting an error ORA-904 "invalid identifier" after you have added an FGA policy like thisThe user "USER2" can execute: select 'SYSTEM.SEC_FUNCTION from dual; and it reports 0 or 1.ChangesCauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. ...
EXP-00008: 遇到 ORACLE 错误 904 ORA-00904: "MAXSIZE": invalid identifier 原因:oracle版本不一样 执行 C:/>EXP plx/plx@orcl FILE=c:/plx.dmp TABLES=(s,sc,c) 结果报错 Export: Release – Production on 星期日 7月 26 12:42:19 2009 ...
UII": invalid identifier" in DDL stat 2EETP345 ement for "VIQMSML " 2EETP334 00:59:21: error in DDL, nametab for "VIQMSML" not activated 2EETP345 00:59:33: Retcode 1: SQL-error "904-ORA-00904: "T1"."UII": invalid identifier" in DDL stat 2EETP345 ement for "VIQMSML_I...
ORA-00904:"MAXSIZE": invalid identifier . . 正在导出表 TB_SYS_DDFLOWCONTROL EXP-00008: 遇到 ORACLE 错误 1003 ORA-01003:nostatement parsed . . 正在导出表 TB_SYS_DICT EXP-00008: 遇到 ORACLE 错误 904 ORA-00904:"MAXSIZE": invalid identifier ...