ora-65054 文心快码BaiduComate 关于ORA-65054错误(无法以期望的模式打开可插拔数据库),这是一个常见的Oracle数据库问题,通常与Pluggable Database (PDB)的打开状态或模式设置有关。以下是对该错误的详细解析及解决方法: 1. 错误详细信息 ORA-65054错误表明在尝试以特定模式(如读写模式)打开PDB时遇到了问题。这可能...
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tmisdg/tmis1/trace/tmis1_p000_156773.trc: ORA-65054: Cannot open a pluggable database in the desired mode. 2024-09-10T22:20:02.153884+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tmisdg/tmis1/trace/tmis1_p001_156777.trc: ORA-65054: ...
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ERROR at line 1:ORA-65054: Cannot open a pluggable database in the desired mode.重启下数据库,...
ORA-65054 is logged in alert log when the database resource is brought up.(3):Dynamic CPU count change - Current effective cpu count = 8<PDB>(3):Pluggable database <PDB> opening in read write<PDB>(3):Error 65054 during pluggable database <PDB> opening in read write2022-01-05T10:...