ORA-39168: Object path TABLE was not foundParameter file used in export command is:USERID="/ as sysdba"directory=TESTdumpfile=test.dmpSCHEMAS=TEST1INCLUDE=TABLE:"IN ('TEST_1','TEST_2','TEST_3','TEST_4')"SCHEMAS=TEST2INCLUDE=FUNCTION...
impdp 'username/password' directory_name=dir_name dumpfile=dump_filename logfile=logfile.log include=constraint sqlfile=const.sql It produces the following error: ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39168: Object path CONSTRAINT was not found.
ORA-00936: missing expression --没写parfile文件,直接把include的内容写到expdp语句里的话,需要添加转移字符 \ ,比较麻烦所以建议放到partfile里就解决该问题了。 Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method... Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 0 KB ORA-39165: Schema LHJT2012 was not found. ORA-39168:...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-39165, ORA-39168, ORA-31655 Invoking Datapump Export with Metadata Filters (INCLUDE/ EXCLUDE)