ORA-39151 是Oracle 数据库中的一个错误代码,通常与 Data Pump 导入(impdp)操作相关。以下是对该错误代码的详细解析: 1. 错误描述 ORA-39151 错误的具体描述是:“Tablespace 'tablespace_name' does not exist”。这意味着在尝试使用 Data Pump 导入工具导入数据时,目标数据库中不存在指定的表空间(tablespace)。
impdp sys/pwd tables=sA.tA directory=dp_dir dumpfile=xxx.dmp remap_table=sA.tA:sB.tA_new I got this error: ORA-39151: Table "sA"."tA" exists. All dependent metadata and data will be skipped due to table_exists_action of skip Seems like the remap...
1.导入的数据库中已经有相同的用户名和老旧的表 可以在后边加上参数table_exists_action=replace 2.导入新的用户中 需要加入参数remap_schame=原用户名:新用户名 例如 impdp estate/estate@orcl schemas=estate directory=zhxt dumpfile=ESTATE20160812LAOLING.DMP logfile=estate.log table_exists_action=replace rema...
Hi, I am getting forexpdpimpdp:ora-31684 object type.. already existsand sometimesora-39111 object type.. already exists(they are the same) edit: sorry typo its impdp not expdp And alsoORA-39151: Table "SYSMAN"."XXXX" exists. All dependent metadata and data will be skipped due to table...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 12.1]: DataPump Import (IMPDP) Reports ORA-39151 For A Partitioned Table With Subpartiti
>expdp directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=test.dmp logfile=test.log tables=test.table_a:table_partition_2 Then during the import of the table_partition_2, you encounter an ORA-39151 error. For Example: >impdp directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=test.dmp logfile=imp_test.log tables=test.table_...