ORA-39111错误是一个Oracle数据库在使用Data Pump导入(impdp)功能时遇到的错误,具体错误信息为:“Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string already exists”。这意味着在导入过程中,某个依赖对象被跳过了,因为它的基础对象已经存在于数据库中。 2. ORA-39111错误的可能原因 基础对象已存在:尝...
测试环境还原数据,从win服务器11g expdp备份文件,在linux 11g上进行还原。语句:impdp CD1/oa123456 directory=oabak dumpfile=621.DMP logfile=621.log full=y TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE部分报错:ORA-31684: Object type PACKAGE_BODY:"APEX_030200"."WWV_FLOW_DOWNLOAD" already existsORA-31684: Object type...
Hi, I am getting forexpdpimpdp:ora-31684 object type.. already existsand sometimesora-39111 object type.. already exists(they are the same) edit: sorry typo its impdp not expdp And alsoORA-39151: Table "SYSMAN"."XXXX" exists. All dependent metadata and data will be skipped due to table...
ORA-39083 ORA-2270 Or ORA-31684 ORA-39111 Errors When Importing A Reference Partitioned Table Using DataPump (IMPDP) (Doc ID 1070944.1) Last updated on MARCH 06, 2019 Applies to: Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service - Version N/A and later... impdp from dumpfiles when parallel>1:ORA-31684/ORA-39111; ORA-39083/ORA-00054; ORA Hello, Recently I ran into datapump schema level import errors (some appear to be "informational/ignorable" but some are not....
Oracle impdp説明 Oracle impdp を実行すると、次のエラーが発生します。 ORA-31684: Object type PACKAGE:"windchilldbuser"."WTREVERSEPK" already exists ORA-31684: Object type PACKAGE:"windchilldbuser"."WTPREFIXPK" already exists ORA-31684: Object type PACKAGE:"windchilldbuser"."WIPPK" already ...