ora-38500 文心快码BaiduComate ORA-38500 是一个 Oracle 数据库错误代码,通常与 Data Guard 环境中备用(standby)数据库的配置和使用相关。下面我将根据您的要求,分点解答关于 ORA-38500 错误的问题。 1. 解释ORA-38500错误的含义 ORA-38500 错误通常表明在尝试执行某些特定操作(如启用实时恢复)时,备用数据库没有...
ORA-38500: USING CURRENT LOGFILE option not available without stand 这个错误说明,在standby库没有standby logfile,在maxmize pretection,maxmize availability中必须 要有standby logfile,为了避免数据的损失最少,maxmize performance 也最好创建standby logfile,考虑角色切换 primary库也要创建standby logfile, standby ...
在dg启用实时同步时,报ORA-38500异常,如下图所示 异常原因:在standby库没有standby logfile 解决方案:standby库启动到mount阶段,按如下语句添加standby logfile. SQL> alter database add standby logfile group 11 ('E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\orad ata\orcl1\onlinelog\redo11_standby.log') size 50M; 数据库...
ORA-38500: USING CURRENT LOGFILE option not available without stand 这个错误说明,在standby库没有standby logfile,在maxmize pretection,maxmizeavailability中必须 要有standby logfile,为了避免数据的损失最少,maxmize performance 也最好创建standbystandbi perform maxmiz logfile,考虑角色切换 primary库也要创建stand...
在dg启用实时同步时,报ORA-38500异常,如下图所示异常原因:在standby库没有standby logfile 解决方案:standby库启动到mount阶段,按如下语句添加standby logfile.SQL>alter database add standby logfile group 11 ('E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\orad ata\orcl1\onlinelog\redo11_standby.log')size 50M;...
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA ORA-31693: Table data object "DARTPCREU"."GW_FCT_PNL":"GW_FCT_PNL_20130905"."GW_FCT_PNL_20130905_561" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error: ORA-38500: Unsupported operation: Oracle XML DB not present...
Oracle Database Backup Service - Version N/A and later: Data Pump Import (IMPDP) Fails with ORA-31693 ORA-38500 for a Table that does not use Oracle XML DB
ORA-31693: Table data object "ANAND"."TEST":"Y2012_Q2_M06" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:ORA-38500: Unsupported operation: Oracle XML DB not present... As it said XML db nor present, check for XDB status in dba_registry COMP_NAME VERSION...
ORA-38500: %s.. Answer / guest Cause: There was a generic error Action: See documentation for further information. Please add more information about this Error Is This Answer Correct ? 1 Yes 0 No Post New Answer More Oracle Errors Interview Questions KUP-04017: OS message: string 1 ...