针对您提出的关于 ora-32000: write to spfile requested but spfile is not modifiable 错误的问题,我将按照您提供的提示进行逐一解答: 1. 确认错误原因 ora-32000 错误表明您尝试写入服务器参数文件(SPFILE),但该文件当前不可修改。SPFILE 是 Oracle 数据库用于存储初始化参数的二进制文件,与文本格式的 PFILE(参...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-32000: write to SPFILE requested but SPFILE is not modifiable on 12c RAC Environment for ASM s
Understanding Oracle Database Error Code ORA-32000 The Oracle Database error codeORA-32000is an indication that there is an issue with the operation being performed, often related to the inability to execute a command or perform a task due to a missing or invalid context. This error can arise...
a non-partitioned table concurrently with a insert may lead to ora-54 depending on the timing ...