ORA-31685 是一个 Oracle 数据库错误代码,通常与数据泵(Data Pump)操作相关。下面是对该错误的详细分析和解答: 1. 确认ORA-31685错误的上下文 ORA-31685 错误通常出现在使用 Oracle 数据泵(Data Pump)进行导入(impdp)或导出(expdp)操作时。数据泵是 Oracle 提供的一种高效的数据迁移工具,用于在不同数据库之间迁...
impdp 命令为 impdp sys/as dumpfile=scott.dmp logfile=scott_imp_no_remap.log 导入的报错为: Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/MATERIALIZED_VIEW ORA-31685: Object type MATERIALIZED_VIEW:"SCOTT"."LEITEST0719" failed due to insufficient privileges. Failing sql is: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW "SCOTT"...
· 使用impdp导入时报错 ORA-39002和ORA-39166 对象不存在 · PL/SQL调试存储过程:ORA-0131 Insufficient privileges错误的原因及解决方法 · oracle在使用impdp导入数据时卡在 “处理对象类型 SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX” 阅读排行: · 本地部署 DeepSeek:小白也能轻松搞定! · 基于DeepSeek R1 满血...
IMPDP ERROR WITH ORA-31685 Hi, I did a refresh on from source to new target enviroment I face this following error after the completion of import using datapump. almost 3000 errors in the same. what are the most effecient way to resolve this. i need this solve ASAP. CREATE MAT...
Impdp import Materialized View (MV) error: ORA-31685: Object Type materialized_view DB version The impdp command is Impdp sys/As dumpfile = Scott. dmp logfile = scott_imp_no_remap.log Import error: Processing object type schema_export/MATERIALIZED_VIEWORA-3168...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: 12.2 DataPump Import (IMPDP) Reports Error ORA-31685: Object type TRIGGER <trigger_name> failed d
impdp导入 《Oracle简单常用的数据泵导出导入(expdp/impdp)命令举例(上)》《Oracle简单常用的数据泵导出导入(expdp/impdp)命令举例(下)》 目的:指导项目侧自行进行简单的数据泵迁移工作。 本文实验环境:Oracle,利用数据库自带的scott示例用户进行试验测试。 根据《简单常用的数据泵导出导入(expdp/impdp)命令...
IMPDP ERROR WITH ORA-31685 Hi, I did a refresh on from source to new target enviroment I face this following error after the completion of import using datapump. almost 3000 errors in the same. what are the most effecient way to resolve this. i need this solve ASAP....