ORA-28011 是一个 Oracle 数据库错误代码,表示 "authentication failed, password expired"。这意味着在尝试连接到 Oracle 数据库时,提供的密码已经过期,因此认证失败。 2. ORA-28011错误可能的原因 密码策略设置:Oracle 数据库可能配置了密码过期策略,要求用户定期更改密码。如果用户的密码超过了配置的过期期限,就会出...
You received an error, “ORA-28011: the account will expire soon; change your password now” while login to the Oracle. Solution
Oracle Database Backup Service - Version N/A and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms You try to age passwords through a profile and set PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME 1/2880. The following warning message is reported: ORA-28011: the account will expire soon; change your ...