ORA-24347警告是Oracle数据库中的一个错误信息,它指出在使用聚合函数(如SUM、AVG、COUNT等)时,输入的数据列中存在空值(NULL)。这个警告通常不会影响SQL查询的执行结果,但它提醒用户注意潜在的数据问题,因为空值在聚合计算中可能会被忽略或导致不期望的结果。 2. 描述在什么情况下会触发ORA-24347警告 ORA-24347警告...
ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function 在网上搜索了以下帖子,没有解决我的问题。 http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=240706 http://www.itpub.net/viewthread.php?tid=1355244 http://club.techtarget.com.cn/showtree.aspx?topicid=20053&postid=28126 http:/...
2. pb(powerbuilder)异常及错误(4824) 3. ORA-02287: 此处不允许序号(4395) 4. 虚拟机没有ip地址报destination host unreachable的解决方法(1214) 5. pb的窗口键数据复制rowscopy(918) 评论排行榜 1. oracle order by 排序(1) 2. pb(powerbuilder)异常及错误(1) 推荐排行榜 1. 最近练习pb遇到...
[Error: ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function] SQL: SELECT MAX(HEAT_ID) AS HEAT_ID FROM MIS.INV_TICKET_OUT Where column HEAT_ID can be null, is there a way to work this out? Member cjbj commented Sep 28, 2015 @frtrev does the same query run in other ...
Oracle Warehouse Management - Version 12.2.8 and later: While In WMS Wave Workbench - ORA-24347: Warning Of A NULL Column In An Aggregate Function
出现ora-24347错误,聚合函数中出现空列 在游标中使用下面的查询时,出现ora-24347错误,聚合函数中出现空列 SELECT sum(dlhj) FROM bm_bmsj where gdsbm='00' and rq='2003/04' ; 当这样查询时,就不会出现错误: SELECT sum(dlhj) FROM bm_bmsj where gdsbm='00'...
Is there a fix for the ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function error generated when calling some SQL? THis is an overflow error associated with out the OCI is called for 10g only. I sent support some articles and information a few months back. I was told this migh...
ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function 2011-02-21 11:52 −... 郭振斌 0 2994 where is the data come from after we drop the table 2013-04-01 16:33 −When I was reading a oracle document, it said that the select action will not put any locks on the table...
当前标签:ORA-24347 > 日一二三四五六 2930311234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930311 2345678