@文心快码BaiduComateora-24345: a truncation or null fetch error occurred 文心快码BaiduComate ORA-24345错误解析 1. ORA-24345错误的含义 ORA-24345 错误表示“发生了截断或空值提取错误”。这个错误通常出现在Oracle数据库环境中,当试图从一个数据列中检索数据,而该数据的实际大小超过了为该列分配的空间,或者当...
DBD::Oracle::st fetchall_arrayref failed: ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred (DBD ERROR: ORA-01406 error on field 9 of 40, ora_type 1) ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred (DBD ERROR: ORA-01406 error on field 16 of 40, ora_type 1) [for Stateme...
用sqluld2导入数据报错ora-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred 网上搜索了大半天,基本都是一个结果:safe=yes,但是我设置了也没有用。 safe = use large buffer to avoid ORA-24345 error (Yes|No) 这样设置了以后,缓冲区会增加一倍,sqluldr2的说明也是指明了设置yes可以避免ORA-24345错误的,我...
APP-FND-01564: Oracle error 24345 in fdlgetCause : fdlget failed due to ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occured.The SQL statement being executed at the time of the error was: SELECT VENDOR_ID,---and was excuted from the file &ERRFILE.CauseSign In To view full...
The dataflow contains a LONG value and fails at execution with error: <OCIStmtFetch>: <ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred>.
I am getting the below error while fetching the data from Oracle 12c using ora2pg. DBD::Oracle::st fetchall_arrayref failed: ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred (DBD SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: OCIStmtFetch, LongReadLen too small and/or LongTruncOk not set)ERROR no statement exe...
用sqluld2导入数据报错ora-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred 网上搜索了大半天,基本都是一个结果:safe=yes,但是我设置了也没有用。 safe = use large buffer to avoid ORA-24345 error (Yes|No) 这样设置了以后,缓冲区会增加一倍,sqluldr2的说明也是指明了设置yes可以避免ORA-24345错误的,我...