ORA-22922: nonexistent LOB value 是 Oracle 数据库中一个常见的错误,它表明当前操作中没有找到有效的 LOB(Large Object,大型对象)值。LOB 类型包括 CLOB(Character Large Object)、BLOB(Binary Large Object)等,用于存储大量文本或二进制数据。 2. 可能导致 ORA-22922 错误的常见原因 LOB 字段引用错误: 在SQL...
22922, 00000, "nonexistent LOB value" // *Cause: The LOB value associated with the input locator does not exist. // The information in the locator does not refer to an existing LOB. // *Action: Repopulate the locator by issuing a select statement and retry // the operation. 按照官方的...
22922, 00000, "nonexistent LOB value" // *Cause: The LOB value associated with the input locator does not exist. // The information in the locator does not refer to an existing LOB. // *Action: Repopulate the locator by issuing a select statement and retry // the operation. 1. 2. ...
ORA-22922:nonexistentLOBvalue错误解决⽅案【说明】:⼀般提⽰此类错误说明在取⼤类型字段时(如:clob)进⾏了类型转换或者数据截取(如:to_char,substr等), ⽽转换列的数据值为NULL。【解决】:我遇到的这个问题的使⽤原因在于使⽤了WM_CONCAT(列转⾏)函数时数据字段过长,只想截取...
ORA-22922:nonexistent LOB value错误解决方案 【说明】:一般提示此类错误说明在取大类型字段时(如:clob)进行了类型转换或者数据截取(如:to_char,substr等), 而转换列的数据值为NULL。 【解决】:我遇到的这个问题的使用原因在于使用了WM_CONCAT(列转行)函数时数据字段过长,只想截取保留部分长度。
ORA-22922: nonexistent LOB value 它似乎与ojdbc没有严格的关系,因为我也可以在SQL*Plus中重现类似的问题: SQL> SELECT (SELECT to_clob('123412341234') x FROM dual) 2 FROM dual 3 CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 11; (SELECTTO_CLOB('123412341234')XFROMDUAL) --- 123412341234 ERROR: ORA-22922: nonexistent...
22922, 00000, "nonexistent LOB value"// *Cause: The LOB value associated with the input locator does not exist.// The information in the locator does not refer to an existing LOB.// *Action: Repopulate the locator by issuing a select statement and retry // the ope...
Hi Team, After i installed. I select and a have the error: ORA-22922: nonexistent LOB value Pls help me! select * from table(pljson_table.json_table( '[ { "id": 0, "displayname": "Back", "qty": 5, "extras": [ { "xid": 1, "xtra": "extra_1...
I have an exception ora-22922 nonexistent lob value. The first example of "A demo of things you can do with PL/JSON" is good. thank you for your help Pascal Copy link Author pviltardcommentedDec 16, 2021 Hi, runs on Linux 7.5 Oracle I use both sqlplus XX/XX @install....
Information in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsScalar subqueries that return temporary LOBs throw "ORA-22922: nonexistent LOB value" when the second row's results are fetched.ChangesDatabase upgraded to 19c. This issue not seen in version below 19c...