ORA-20004错误的详细解答 1. 解释ORA-20004错误的含义 ORA-20004是一个用户定义的错误代码,在Oracle数据库中,错误代码范围从ORA-20000到ORA-20999都是用户可以根据自身需求自定义的错误。因此,ORA-20004错误的具体含义可能因不同的应用或数据库配置而异。它通常用于指示某个特定的业务逻辑错误或操作失败。 2. 列出...
ORA-20004: Error generating shape from text: (-3).ORA-06512: at "SDE.ST_GEOMETRY_SHAPELIB_PKG", line 12ORA-06512: at "SDE.ST_LINEFROMTEXT", line 59 database version details below Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionPL/SQL Release -...
运行utlpwdmg.sql之后报ORA-28003, ORA-20001, ORA-20002, ORA-20003, ORA-20004 错误。 适用于: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Checked for relevance on 15-Sep-2012 原因: 运行utlpwdmg.sql 脚本可以对用户的密码进...
执行utlpwdmg.sql之后报ORA-28003, ORA-20001, ORA-20002, ORA-20003, ORA-20004 错误。 适用于: Oracle Server - Ente来自rprise Edition - Version and later Informationin this document applies to any platform.Checked for re360智能摘要levance on 15-下Sep-2012 原因: 执行 utlpwdmg.sql 脚本...
执行utlpwdmg.sql之后报ORA-28003, ORA-20001, ORA-20002, ORA-20003, ORA-20004 错误。 适用于: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Checked for relevance on 15-Sep-2012 ...
SQL execution error, ORA-20004: ORA-00904: "CLOSE_DATE": invalid identifierORA-06512: at "DLP_APP.PKG_DLP", line 315ORA-06512: at line 1SQL: BEGIN PKG_DLP.P_DLP_PSUR_CTPR_FILTER(:PI_INCL_DATE_OPTION, :PI_FROM_DATE, :PI_TO_DATE,:PI_EXCLUDE_FOLLOWUPS, :PI_REPORT_FORM_ID, :...
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 82456 bytes (pga heap,control file i/o buffer) ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 16328 bytes (koh-kghu sessi,pmuccst: adt/record) OR - ORA-06500: PL/SQL: storage error ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 8.1.7]: ORA-28003, ORA-20001, ORA-20002, ORA-20003, ORA-20004 After Running utlpwdmg.sql
【翻译自mos文章】执行utlpwdmg.sql之后报ORA-28003, ORA-20001, ORA-20002, ORA-20003, ORA-20004 错误 2017-05-03 21:34 −... yangykaifa 0 5654 ORA-600/ORA-7445/ORA-700 Error Look-up Tool (Doc ID 153788.1) 2019-12-10 09:14 −ORA-600/ORA-7445/ORA-700 Error Look-up Tool (Doc...
监控alert 文件中的 ORA-xxx 错误信息。 alertlog.pl脚本代码如下: !/usr/bin/perl Name: alertlog.pl sub countSet{ open(OUT, ">$idFile"); printf(OUT "%d", $currCount); # 把当前行号写入文件 close(OUT); } --- Define Variables --- $obase="/u01...