ORA-16198 是 Oracle 数据库中的一个错误,通常与归档日志(Archive Logs)的操作相关。以下是对您请求内容的详细解答: 1. 解释ORA-16198错误的含义 ORA-16198 错误表示在尝试切换归档日志时遇到了问题,具体是“无法创建或删除指定的归档日志目标”。这通常意味着 Oracle 数据库在尝试将在线日志文件切换到归档状态时,...
ORA-16198: Timeout incurred on internal channel during remote archival LGWR: Network asynch I/O wait error 16198 log 2 service '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=abc)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=xyz_STANDBY_XPT.world)(INSTANCE_NAME=xyz)(SERVER=dedicated))...
ORA-16198: Timeout incurred on internal channel during remote archival Error 16198 for archive log file 1 to 'dg2' Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 is UNSYNCHRONIZED LGWR: Failed to archive log 1 thread 1 sequence 127 (16198) Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 128 (LGWR switch) Current log# ...
Alert log contains messages like: ORA-16198: LGWR received timedout error from KSR LGWR: Attempting destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect (16198) LGWR: Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect abandoned Errors in file /app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ora11g_dga/ora11g/trace/ora11g_lgwr...
Oracle Study之--DataGuard 最大保护模式故障(ORA-16198) 系统环境: 操作系统:RedHat EL5 Oracle: Oracle 11gR2 ( 故障现象: Physical Standby在从Maximum Performance转换到Maximum Protection时,出现以下故障: 10:13:06 SYS@ prod1>startup force mount; ...
Oracle Study之--DataGuard 最大保护模式故障(ORA-16198) 系统环境: 操作系统:RedHat EL5 Oracle: Oracle 11gR2 ( 故障现象: Physical Standby在从Maximum Performance转换到Maximum Protection时,出现以下故障: 10:13:06SYS@ prod1>startup force mount;ORACLEinstancestarted.TotalSystemGlobalArea41848422...
ORA-16198: Timeout incurred on internal channel during remote archival Error 16198 for archive log file 1 to 'dg2' Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 is UNSYNCHRONIZED LGWR: Failed to archive log 1 thread 1 sequence 127 (16198) Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 128 (LGWR switch) ...
ORA-16198: Timeout incurred on internal channel during remote archival.ARC8: Archive log rejected (thread 1 sequence 509) at host 'OPSPROD_DG'FAL[server, ARC8]: FAL archive failed, see trace file.ARCH: FAL archive failed. Archiver continuingORACLE Instance OPSPROD1 - Archival Error. Archiver...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to 21.7 [Release 12.1 to 21.0]: ORA-16198 Timeout Incurred On Internal Channel During Remote Archival when St
Redo Transport to the standby has stopped after the ORA-16198 error. ERROR ORA-16198: LGWR received timedout error from KSR LGWR: Attempting destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect (16198) LGWR: Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect a