ORA-15041错误解释 ORA-15041是一个Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM)错误,表示尝试在磁盘组(diskgroup)上执行操作(如创建文件、扩展文件等)时,该磁盘组的空间已经耗尽。具体错误消息为:"diskgroup space exhausted",意即磁盘组空间不足。 可能导致ORA-15041错误的原因 磁盘组空间不足:磁盘组中的可用空间不足...
ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +DATA/prod/2_3_856847287.arc ORA-15041: diskgroup space exhausted --查看磁盘文件组合磁盘文件剩余空间 select name,group_number,state,redundancy,total_mb,free_mb,path from v$asm_disk; --发现,DATA磁盘组的disk文件没有空闲空间了。因此,需要为DATA磁盘组...
ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +DATA/prod/2_3_856847287.arc ORA-15041: diskgroup space exhausted --查看磁盘文件组合磁盘文件剩余空间 select name,group_number,state,redundancy,total_mb,free_mb,path from v$asm_disk; --发现,DATA磁盘组的disk文件没有空闲空间了。因此,需要为DATA磁盘组...
ORA-17505: ksfdrsz:1 Failed to resize file to size 3053300 blocks ORA-15041: diskgroup space exhausted 本来想这个错误太明显了,无非是因为DG上面得ASM组没有空闲空间了,导致数据文件不能扩展。于是登陆ASM实例,查询空闲空间,结果如下: SQL> select name,total_mb,free_mb from v$asm_diskgroup; NAME TOT...
1、ORA-15041: diskgroup space exhausted-今天打开报警日志,看见错误:ORA-19504: failed to create file "+DATA/prod/2_3_856847287.arc"ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +DATA/prod/2_3_856847287.arcORA-15041: diskgroup space exhauste 2、d-查看磁盘文件组合磁盘文件剩余空间select name,group...
ORA-15041: diskgroup “DATA” space exhausted 当磁盘组中有部分磁盘的free_mb<300MB的时候,rebalance就会报错,因为重新平衡操作需要每个磁盘中的一些可用空间,也就会报错ORA-15041。 解决方案 1.删除磁盘组上部分数据,以释放空间来满足rebalance的需要;
We received the following message:ERROR at line 1: ORA-01119: error in creating database file '+DATA' ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +DATA ORA-15041: diskgroup space exhausted Check the ...
Text: diskgroup space exhausted --- Cause: The diskgroup ran out of space. Action: Add more disks to the diskgroup, or delete some existing files. Scope This article is intended to help the reader to understand the most common reasons for ORA-15041 error...
2、如果备份存放空间确实紧张,则可以采用Rman的压缩备份参数 AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET:backup AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET database plus archivelog delete all input;另外,如下删除归档日志的参数也值得记录一下了:RMAN>delete archivelog until time 'sysdate-7';--删除7天前的无用的归档日志 RMAN> cross...
An ORA-15041 ( diskgroup space exhausted ) occurs during a rebalance or adding of a disk (which implicitly does a rebalance unless told otherwise)CauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register Don't have a My Oracle Support account? Click to ...