ORA-14452 错误是一个 Oracle 数据库错误,具体错误消息为 "attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use"。这个错误表明在尝试创建、修改或删除一个正在被使用的临时表上的索引时遇到了问题。然而,实际上,这个错误更常见于尝试删除一个被其他会话或事务正在使用的临时表时。 ORA...
Step 3:在会话1中删除临时表时,就会出现ORA-14452错误。 1SESSION1>TRUNCATETABLETMP_TEST;23Tabletruncated.45SESSION1>DROPTABLETMP_TEST;6DROPTABLETMP_TEST7*8ERROR at line1:9ORA-14452: attempttocreate,alterordropanindexontemporarytablealreadyinuse Step 4:如果在会话2中先清空数据,然后去会话1中删除表则...
Step 3:在会话1中删除临时表时,就会出现ORA-14452错误。 1SESSION1>TRUNCATETABLETMP_TEST;23Tabletruncated.45SESSION1>DROPTABLETMP_TEST;6DROPTABLETMP_TEST7*8ERROR at line1:9ORA-14452: attempttocreate,alterordropanindexontemporarytablealreadyinuse Step 4:如果在会话2中先清空数据,然后去会话1中删除表则...
14. Step 3:在会话1中删除临时表时,就会出现ORA-14452错误。 1SESSION1>TRUNCATETABLETMP_TEST;23Tabletruncated.45SESSION1>DROPTABLETMP_TEST;6DROPTABLETMP_TEST7*8ERROR at line1:9ORA-14452: attempttocreate,alterordropanindexontemporarytablealreadyinuse 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Step 4:...
在删除临时表时遇到了ORA-14452错 误:ORA-14452: attempt to create , alert or drop an index on temporary table already in use。第一次碰到这种情况,问题解决过后,为了加深理解,特意参考网上资料,做了下面实验重现错误出现的场景,以及应该如何解决. ...
ORA-14452:试图创建,更改或删除正在使用的临时表中的索引 因为表KOL_XX_FIN050_TEMP为临时表,而且有其他session正在使用。 处理步骤: 1、先从dba_objects / user_objects中查询到该表的object_id: select object_id from dba_objects where object_name=upper('KOL_XX_FIN050_TEMP'); ...
Sometimes, we faceORA-14452during drop or alter. SO, in this article, we are going to learn how to solve "ORA-14452: attempt to create" this error. We face this issue if the table is currently used in any other session, and we trying to drop or alter the table. ...
ORA-00604 ORA-14452 ORA-207832016-02-29 3158 版权 简介: drop user ogg cascade; drop user ogg cascade * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use ...
ORA-14452:试图创建,更改或删除正在使用的临时表中的索引 2020-01-03 19:28 −... zhjh256 0 1123 ORA-600/ORA-7445/ORA-700 Error Look-up Tool (Doc ID 153788.1) 2019-12-10 09:14 −ORA-600/ORA-7445/ORA-700 Error Look-up Tool (Doc ID 153788.1) ... ...
在删除临时表时遇到了ORA-14452错误:ORA-14452: attempt to create , alert or drop an index on temporary table already in use。第一次碰到这种情况,问题解决过后,为了加深理解,特意参考网上资料,做了下面实验重现错误出现的场景,以及应该如何解决.