ORA-14047 错误信息表示:“alter table|index rename may not be combined with other operation”,即在使用 ALTER TABLE 或ALTER INDEX 语句时,RENAME 操作不能与其他操作组合使用。这是一个 Oracle 数据库的限制,旨在防止在重命名表或索引的同时执行可能引发数据不一致或复杂事务处理的其他操作。 2. 为什么 ALTER...
ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations 查询文档,这种需要目标表不指定SCHEMA的方式才可以,即支持如下两种语法: SQL> alter table bys.t3 rename to t3bak; ===>>>直接在DBA账户下不加修改后表的SCHEMA名 Table altered. SQL> conn bys/bys Connected. SQL> alter ...
SQL>show user;USERis"SYS"SQL>alter table user1.tb1 rename to user1.tb2;ERRORat line1:ORA-14047:ALTERTABLE|INDEXRENAMEmay not be combinedwithother operations #使用非属主用户修改表名时修改后的表名不需要加属主 正确修改方式:SQL>alter table user1.tb1 rename to tb2;Table alterd. 2、使用表...
alter table lc0039999.t1 rename to lc0039999.tt1 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations SQL> alter table t1 rename to lc0039999.tt1; alter table t1 rename to lc0039999.tt1 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX...
解决方法,使用RENAME命令在PLSQL执行不会报错。示例:ALTER TABLE user1.log_tablename RENAME TO log_tablename_back20240131; 报错ORA-14047 RENAME TO 后面不要指定用户名,指定用户名会报ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME不能与其他分区组合, 解决方法,RENAME TO 后面不指定用户名。
ORA-14047:ALTERTABLE|INDEX RENAME maynotbe combinedwithother operations AI代码助手复制代码 问题原因 Oracle是允许A用户修改B用户表名的,但是在新表名前是不能指定用户名的,使用如下方法修改表名成功。 SQL>altertabletest.RENAME_TABLE renametoRENAME_TABLE2;TablealtereSQL>selectOWNER,TABLE_NAMEfromdba_tables...
3.rename to表名,报错,ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations,原因分析:当你执行alter table hr.test_id 的时候,你已经告诉oracle你要修改哪个用户下的哪个表了,所以在rename to 的时候就不需要在指定用户名称了.如果在写用户名的话,oracle也许会认为你是要把hr下的...
SYS@orcl> alter table test rename to sys.test_bak; alter table test rename to sys.test_bak * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations 要这样操作,不要带目标表的schema SYS@orcl> alter table test rename to test_bak; ...
To rename a table outside your CURRENT_SCHEMA, you must use the ALTER TABLE (table name) RENAME TO (table name). But here’s a commonly encountered problem (with an extremely simple solution). Many people receive an ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other opera...
14047, 00000, “ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations” // *Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine // a RENAME operation with some other operation which is illegal // *Action: Ensure that RENAME operation is the sole operation specified ...