5、未公开的BUG (Doc ID 1361107.1) Unpublished Bug 18841764 - ORA-12592 TNS:BAD PACKET OR ORA-3137 OR ORA-1 PDIT_BAS_SCPBI 由于数据库是用的最新的PSU,最开始并没觉得是BUG,等我把补丁号复制下来,并没有 已经修复的BUG如下: 17288409, 21051852, 24316947, 17811429, 17205719, 18607546, 25654936 17...
The following error is being intermittently returned to the client: ORA-12592 TNS: Bad Packet. The Alert.log might also show an ORA-3137 [12333]. Enabling Oracle Net tracing at either the client or the server might clear the error in some cases. Once tracing is turned off, the error ...
问题:Oracle JDBC批量插入报ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet 解决: 1)打补丁patch:18841764 2)把批量提交的数量调小;
ora-12592:tns bad packet ora-12569:tns:packet checksum failure 排查过程: 1、Ping数据库服务器IP地址也不丢包。 2、查看服务器资源,发现CPU使用率100%,停掉使用率高的线程后仍然不起作用。 3、查看数据库状态 数据库版本: 查看监听器状态:lnsrctl status ...
ORA-12592: TNS: bad packet The error appears randomly, the same session succeeds when executed a second time. A common cause is the firewall's "Advanced SQL features" with various wording (depending on the vendor): SQLNet fixup (protocol) Deep Packet Inspection or DPI SQLNet packet...
在metalink上面查询,到Troubleshooting guide for ORA-12592 / TNS-12592: TNS: bad packet (文档 ID 373431.1) ,进行BUG的更新。 AI代码助手复制代码 1 Client (12592while11.2.0.4. (18841764) AI代码助手复制代码 3 error(AI代码助手复制代码1[0111.代码助手复制代码3AI代码助手复制代码4[01AI代码...
Database errors occurred: ORA-12592: TNS : bad paquet Database driver error... Function Name : Execute SQL Stmt :... This issue occurs when SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT is not set in the server side. Solution To resolve this issue, add SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT=<seconds> to sqlnet.ora on...
JDBC error reported: (SQLState = 66000) - java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet ProductsVersions TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Summary JDBC error reported: (SQLState = 66000) - java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet...
(packet checksum failure)包校验失败,网络问题