Error:ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist Background: ORA-12545is a generic error as a result of TNS configuration issue at client. TNS configuration issue is unable to resolve host / IP specified in TNS entry ORA-12545is observed in DB links & remote c...
the client can intermittently be routed to a listener endpoint on either of these addresses. If the client is unable to resolve the physical hostname or even the vip host
When attempting to connect to a RAC service name, the connection intermittently fails with an ORA-12545 error: TNS: Host or object doesn't exist. The expected behavior. is that the connection would be redirected to any of the listener in the cluster where the listener is running on the VIP...
When attempting to connect to a RAC service name, the connection intermittently fails with an ORA-12545 error: TNS: Host or object doesn't exist. The expected behavior is that the connection would be redirected to any of the listener in the cluster where the listener is running on the VIP....