关于您提到的“ora1017”,我假设您是指Oracle数据库中的错误代码ORA-01017。下面是对该错误代码的详细解释和可能的解决方案: 1. 错误代码ORA-01017的含义 ORA-01017错误代码表示:“用户名/口令无效;登录被拒绝”。这通常意味着在尝试连接到Oracle数据库时,提供的用户名或密码不正确。 2. 错误原因 用户名或密码错...
1、Oracle11G之前密码是不区分大小写的,从11G开始默认密码区分大小写 2、使用10G的ODP.NET时,会自动把密码转换成大写 三、解决办法 1、给连接字符串中密码使用加上引号,这样密码就不会转成大写了 2、换成11G客户端 3、修改,禁用大小写敏感模式:ALTER SYSTEM SET SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON = FALSE...
SYS用户通过网络服务别名(链接串)登录,一直报用户名密码无效,ORA-1017错误。类似如下:conn sys/xxx@...
Error: ORA-16664: unable to receive the result from a member 7.检查主库日志 [oracle@host01 ...
解决OracleConnection ORA-1017 和 HRESULT:0x8007000B 错误 试图加载格式不正确的程序。 (异常来自HRESULT:0x8007000B) 解决方案: IIS下 winform下: ORA-1017 错误
Oracle ORA-12569: TNS:包校验和失败 2019-12-19 11:25 − 检查端口号是否正确, 一般默认Port是1521... Uniqueness 0 6578 案例:Oracle 10g RAC 集群无法启动 2019-12-12 15:05 − **环境:**RHEL 5.7 + Oracle RAC 很多年前的一套测试环境,今天发现集群无法启动。手工尝试启动crs,...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-1017 with "sqlplus / as sysdba" on Windows when AES*_SHA1 is selected for Kerberos and Network
This document is intended to supply some commonly used steps for diagnosing errors ORA-1031 or ora-1017 encountered while connecting as sysdba.In the most recent versions the error for this kind of authentication failures was changed from ORA-01031 to ORA-01017 , this was done to consistently ...
Getting an ORA-1017 error: invalid username/password. This could happen at different points. It could happen when you login or you may be able to login fine but face the error while metric registration. When we click on 'Add New' button . it's throwing error not able to connect to dat...
Getting following error - “ORA -1017: Invalid username/Password, logon denied”. From code we checked and found, via OLOG connection is failing. Please could you help us to resolve this issue. Kindly suggest if any configuration changes or setup is required. This is ...