1. ORA-06577错误的含义 ORA-06577错误表示“output parameter not a bind variable”,即输出参数不是一个绑定变量。这个错误通常发生在尝试调用Oracle存储过程或函数时,如果输出参数(OUT或IN OUT类型)没有被正确地指定为绑定变量,就会触发此错误。 2. 可能导致ORA-06577错误的原因 直接传递字面量值作为输出参数:在...
ORA-06577:output parameter not a bind variable 1、错误描写叙述 2、错误原因 create or replace procedure query_student(id in int,name out varchar2) is begin select t.name into name from t_stu_info t where t.id = id; end query_student; call query_student(1,'12'); 3、解决的方法...
ORA-06577:output parameter not a bind variable 1、错误描述 2、错误原因 create or replace procedure query_student(id in int,name out varchar2) is begin select t.name into name from t_stu_info t where t.id = id; end query_student; 1. 2. 3. 4. call query_student(1,'12'); 1. ...
ORA-06577 Cloud Applications Cloud Infrastructure On-Premises Applications Middleware Database Engineered Systems Java Systems Operating Environments Virtualization Industry-Specific Applications Architecture Center Tutorials and Labs All Services & Products
ORA-06577:output parameter not a bind variable 1、错误描写叙述 2、错误原因 create or replace procedure query_student(id in int,name out varchar2) is begin select t.name into name from t_stu_info t where t.id = id; end query_student; call query_student( mysql 转载 mob604756e5ab...
ORA-06577: output parameter not a bind variable.. Answer / guest Cause: The argument corresponding to an IN/OUT or OUT parameter for a function or a procedure or a function return value in a CALL statement must be a bind variable. Action: Change the argument to a bind variable Please ...
ORA-06577:output parameter not a bind variable 1、错误描写叙述 2、错误原因 create or replace procedure query_student(id in int,name out varchar2) is begin select t.name into name from t_stu_info t where t.id = id; end query_student;...
ORA-06577:output parameter not a bind variable 2017-06-22 10:21 −... ljbguanli 1 2890 ORA-07217 environment variable cannot be evaluated 2019-12-19 11:30 −问题描述:还是rman的问题,一个很沙雕的问题,改了半天,准备是要做数据库的全备,和归档的备份 1.连接rman进行备份,这里要保持数据库为...