example, version incompatibilities or a client trying to use a feature not supported by the database kernel. 2. When using database links or gateways. 3. Network or SQL*Net problems. 4. Corruptions. 5. PL/SQL - language related. RDBMS - Troubleshooting two-task common errors === 1. C...
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error ORA-02063: preceding line from DZDZ_SJTS 行:32 文本:insert into sm123@DZDZ123 也不是所有的数据库都有这样的问题。 哪位大侠遇到过这样的问题,能否给个解决方案?非常感谢! 附:创建dblink的脚...
Note that ORA-03106 is by definition a low-level communication error, typically caused by client/server compatibility issues. Therefore a "different configuration" would be a different Client PC and/or Oracle Server. If your PC has Multiple Oracle Homes, you could use the Oracle Home Selector ...
Spam - ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol Former Member on 2007 Jun 07 0 Kudos 503 SAP Managed Tags: SAP NetWeaver Hi gurus. I'm having this error always I import a queue. Before the error I continue with the "import queue" and it goes to the end, no prob...
出现这个ora-03106错误,"fatal two-task communication protocol error",oracle没有cause,action提示。 请问,是不是不能用这样的方式来连接ora8i,而只能用oracle8的 客户端程序呢?(因为我手头没有这个东西) 希望大家指教! 连接, 远程, 客户端, 程序, fatal...
'path' => CACHE_PATH, // 缓存前缀 'prefix' => '
Error when Connecting to Database: "ORA-03106: FATAL TWO-task communication protocol error" 説明 Error when trying to connect to database: "ORA-03106: FATAL TWO-task communication protocol error." サインインが必要です プレミアムナレッジベースの記事を参照するには、最新...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: Insert Statement Fails With ORA-03106: Fatal Two-task Communication Protocol Error
ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication proto error ORA-02063: preceding line from AFQ When the same query is run outside pl/sql block it runs perfectly. Cause You are most probably hitting the Bug 5866805. Bug 5866805 duplicate of Bug 5576340 which is itself a duplicate of Bug 567...
ORA-03106:fataltwo-taskcommunicationprotoerror ORA-02063:precedinglinefromAFQ Whenthesamequeryisrunoutsidepl/sqlblockitrunsperfectly. Cause YouaremostprobablyhittingtheBug5866805. Bug5866805duplicateofBug5576340whichisitselfaduplicateofBug5671074. Solution TheBug5671074ISfixedIN9.2.0.8Patch4ORabove.相关...