ORA-02391错误是Oracle数据库中常见的错误之一,它表示用户试图创建的并发会话数超过了其用户配置文件中SESSIONS_PER_USER限制。以下是对该错误的详细解释和解决方案: ORA-02391错误的含义 ORA-02391错误表明用户尝试创建的并发会话数已经超过了Oracle数据库中为该用户设置的最大会话数限制。具体来说,这是由用户配置文件...
ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit 希望我们能够帮忙看看是什么原因,怎么修复一下。 这个问题其实还是比较清晰的,就是在我们设置的profile中会定义对应session数限制,比如存在用户test,sessions_per_user为50,则test用户最多使用50个session. 默认的profile是DEFAULT ,在创建数据库之后会做基本的...
oracle-ora-02391 sessions_per_user limit错误 错误原因:用户的规则限制连接数。已经达到连接数限制了。 查看目前账户连接数 select count(*) from v$session username='GAB_51' and program like 'JDBC%'; 查看用户的profile限制数 select username,profile from dba_users where username='GAB_51'; select limi...
关于ORA问题的分析和解决其实是一个很好的学习思路,抓住一个每一个ORA错误,然后进一步分析一些原因,总结,总会有不一样的收获,还是那句话,任何问题背后都是有原因的。 今天早上,开发的同事反馈说客户端中抛出了ora错误。 ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit 希望我们能够帮忙看看是什么原因,怎么...
I performed load testing, and a lot of requests came back with error: ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit. I worked with a DBA to get the information on how many sessions the config.DB_USER can have and the answer is 10. So, how do I configure node-oracledb so ...
ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit SOLUTION: 1. Check how many sessions were already existed for that user: SELECT count(*) as connections,username FROM v$session where username=’&USER_NAME’ GROUP BY username; SQL> SELECT count(*) as connections,username FROM v$session ...
col username for a15; col profile for a15; col resource_name for a30; col limit for a10; SELECT DISTINCT username, profile, resource_name, limit FROM dba_profiles NATURAL JOIN dba_users WHERE resource_name = 'SESSIONS_PER_USER'; 修改limit值 ...
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This causes an error: ORA-2391 ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit I know that the Oracle database can change the parameter value SESSIONS_PER_USER in user profiles. But this is not the correct solution. The solution should be in the correct installation of Oracle IAS ht...
increase the SESSION_PER_USER limit of the user profile.就是将这个SESSIONS_PER_USER参数的值改大点 祝你愉快