ORA-02291是Oracle数据库中常见的错误之一,其含义为“integrity constraint violated - parent key not found”,即“完整性约束被违反 - 未找到父键”。这通常发生在尝试向一个具有外键约束的表中插入或更新数据时,引用的父表中的主键或唯一键不存在。 可能导致ORA-02291错误的常见原因 外键约束错误:在子表中插入...
obclient [SYS]> insert all into test(id, name) values('1', '1') -> into test(id, name) values('2', '1') -> select * from dual; ORA-02291: integrity constraint violated - parent key not found Oracle 数据库执行正常。 创建表。 SQL> create table test( id varchar2(10), name...
用户执行一条INSERT语句,但是这条语句执行失败,并且得到错误消息“ORA-02291:integrityconstraint(HR.EMP_DEPTFK)violated-(ORA-02291:违反完整性约束[HR.EMP_DEPT_FK]——在在父表中发现外键:下列()叙述是正确的。 A. 这个事务会被回滚 B. 这条语句会被回滚 C. 在父表中发现父键之前,必须在父表上创建一个...
Oracle数据库出现[23000][2291] ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SIMTH.SYS_C005306) violated异常 Buy me a cup of coffee ☕. 这个异常发生在往中间表中插入数据时,这时出现异常是因为关联的某个表没有插入数据,所以给没有插入数据的关联表插入数据,再给中间表插入数据此时异常就会解决。
ORA-02291 integrity constraint violated -- seems to cross schemas when it should not Hello, A couple of questions regarding ORA-02291 errors that are starting to pop up in our system. We have an instance that has multiple copies of the same application setup under different schema names. ...
外键约束导致impdp报错。取消外键约束,导入后添加外键约束。 ORA-31693: Table data object "TEST"."T_ITE" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error: ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEFETCH callout ORA-02291: integrity constraint (TEST.FK_ITE_REF_PSR) violated - parent ke...
While using a composite with mediator, execution after running a purge is throwing the error as below.ORA-02291: integrity constraint (OPS_SOAINFRA.MEDIATOR_GROUP_STATUS_FK1) violated - parent key not found ERROR---Got an exception: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2...
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (INFORES_GZ_PJ2.FK_TC_DEV_PROPERTY_GRP_PROID) violated - parent key 一.思路1 1.select * from dba_constraints where owner='INFORES_GZ_PJ2' AND CONSTRAINT_NAME='FK_TC_DEV_PROPERTY_GRP_PROID' 2.SELECT * FROM DBA_SEGMENTS...
add constraint testb_n1 foreign key (taskid)references testb (AUTOID);INSERT INTO testa VALUES(1,NULL,'aa');INSERT INTO testa VALUES(2,NULL,'aa');INSERT INTO testa VALUES(3,NULL,'aa');INSERT INTO testa VALUES(4,NULL,'aa');INSERT INTO testb VALUES(1,NULL,'bb');INSERT...
How to resolve 'ORA-02291: integrity constraint ... violated - parent key not found'? This is a typical Oracle error and normally the problem can be resolved by adding a parent record as specified in the error message. But, in this case, the parent record already ...