ORA-02050 错误是 Oracle 数据库中的一个常见错误,其完整错误信息通常为:“ORA-02050: signal received: [string], [code], [process ID], [additional info]”。这个错误表明 Oracle 数据库在运行时接收到了一个信号,这个信号可能由于多种原因触发,包括但不限于系统资源不足、内存问题、进程异常等。 2. 可能...
Error stack returned to user: ORA-02050: transaction 199.40.297416 rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-doubt ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation 这个是分布式事务处理出错的提示,根据提示可知,可能是由于远程的数据库处理失败,导致事务号为199.40.297416的事务失败而回滚。原因可能是网...
Error stack returned to user: ORA-02050: transaction 199.40.297416 rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-doubt ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation 这个是分布式事务处理出错的提示,根据提示可知,可能是由于远程的数据库处理失败,导致事务号为199.40.297416的事务失败而回滚。原因可能是网...
Error stack returned to user: ORA-02050: transaction 199.40.297416 rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-doubt ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation 这个是分布式事务处理出错的提示,根据提示可知,可能是由于远程的数据库处理失败,导致事务号为199.40.297416的事务失败而回滚。原因可能是网...
ORA-02050trappedin2PContransaction191.4.13456。。。近期在⽣产库遇到分布式事务异常,导致涉及的对象被锁住,业务⽆法正常操作该对象,引发故障 具体⽇志信息:Sat Dec 28 11:15:27 2019 Error 2050 trapped in 2PC on transaction 191.4.1345608. Cleaning up.Error stack returned to user:ORA-02054: ...
ORA-02050: transaction 2.32.191097 rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-doubt ORA-02050: transaction 2.32.191097 rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-doubt ORA-03135: connection lost contact ORA-02063: preceding line from MY_DBL
Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA - Version to [Release 11.1]: ORA-02050 For Distributed Transactions Using DG4DRDA 11.1 and AS400 6.1
ORA-02050: transaction 135.41.1233516 rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-doubt ORA-03135: connection lost contact Wed Oct 14 10:22:01 2009 Errors in file d:"cim"dump"udump"cim_ora_4800.trc: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel ...
ORA-02050: 事务处理 35.28.256948 已回退, 某些远程数据库可能有问题 ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作 ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作 根据错误信息可知可能是远程数据库操作失败导致的。查看metalink上面的解释是: Error: ORA 2050 Text: transaction <num> rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-dou...
to an application or table row or something at a higher layer? Thanks. === Ray Stell [EMAIL PROTECTED] (540) 231-4109 KE4TJC 28^D -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:http://www.orafaq.com-- Author: Ray Stell INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-505...