ORA-01692 是一个 Oracle 数据库错误代码,表示 "sequence number not allowed here"。这个错误通常发生在尝试在不适当的位置使用序列(sequence)时。下面是对该错误的详细解释、可能的原因、解决方法以及避免方法。 1. ORA-01692错误的含义 ORA-01692 错误表明你试图在不支持序列值直接插入的上下文中使用序列。例如,在...
ORA-01692: unable to extend lob segmentstring.stringpartitionstringbystringin tablespacestring Cause:...
ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment %s.%s by %s in tablespace %s Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for LOB segment in the tablespace indicated. Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated. ...
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search - バージョン から OSES環境のデータベースセグメント拡張失敗エラー(ORA-01653 / ORA-01688 / ORA-01692 / ORA-01654)対応のために表領域を拡張する方法
ORA-01688: unable to extend table SEARCHSYS.DR$EQ$DOC_PATH_IDXMI partition P1 by 128 in tablespace SEARCH_DATA ORA-01692: unable to extend lob segment SEARCHSYS.SYS_LOB0000096636C00006$$ partition SYS_LOB_P481 by 128 in tablespace SEARCH_INDEX ORA-01654: unable to extend index SEARCHSYS....