ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 6x5j00zy7p9h7, Query Duration=0 sec, SCN: 0x0000.9c12d8f9): 解决办法: 1、根据spfile生成pfile create pfile from spfile 2、编辑pfile $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<Sid> .ora 加入以下值 *._allow_resetlogs_corruption=true *._corrupted_rollback_segm...
ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 2dmk2qf1dxkwt, Query Duration=4332 sec, SCN: 0x0000.acf400a7): ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 2dmk2qf1dxkwt, Query Duration=5098 sec, SCN: 0x0000.ae793e79): 一般Alert日志里面发现这种,就是回滚段太小了,一般不用管,...
ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 3nkd3g3ju5ph1, Query Duration=0 sec, SCN: 0x058f.40b506b6): select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime, status, dataobj#, flags, oid$, spare1, spare2 from obj$ where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and namespace=:3 and remoteowner is null ...
Issue/Introduction The below query has caused the alerts to trigger on the database side: ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: bkv1w4yn95dfz, Query Duration=2422036 sec, SCN: 0x0000.73ecbfd0): Mon Jul 13 17:54:31 2020 SELECT J.JOID,J.JOB_VER,J.OVER_NUM, I.ALARM_IF...
ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 3nkd3g3ju5ph1, SCN: 0x0000.0021ed9c): select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime, status, dataobj#, flags, oid$, spare1, spare2 from obj$ where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and namespace=:3 and remoteowner is null and linkname is null and...
SQL> select * from tab where object_name='EMP'; Execution Plan --- Plan hash value: 1995730731 Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --- 1 - filter("OBJECT_NAME"='EMP') Note --- - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2) Statistics ---...
ORA-01555caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 415z3g9r6r1c7, Query Duration=0sec, SCN:0x0006.37709561): SELECT x."Q_NAME",x."MSGID",x."CORRID",x."PRIORITY",x."STATE"··· 省略50个列名称FROM"AAA"."BBB"AS OF SCN :scn x WHERE"ID"=:a0 这个SQL...
ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (Query Duration=9 sec, SCN: 0x0001.8be5c8d1):ChangesThe PRODUCTION database is copied every night with its UNDO tablespace and renamed to REPORTING for reporting purposes .CauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account...
ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (Query Duration=9999 sec, SCN:0x000.008a7c2d) 其次,通过alert.log确定QUERY DURATION。上例中为9999秒。 第三,从应用会话信息中确定undo segment名称。例如:_SYSSMU1$。 最后,确定UNDO表空间的UNDO_RETENTION值。
Hi, We have received the below specified alert from our production server. ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SCN: 0x0000.5eee0fca): Sat Feb 20 06:17:59 2010