ORA-01504 错误详解 1. ORA-01504 错误的含义 ORA-01504 错误表示数据库名称与初始化参数 DB_NAME 不匹配。具体来说,当尝试创建或挂载数据库时,数据库的名称与初始化参数文件中定义的 DB_NAME 参数不一致,就会触发这个错误。 2. 可能导致 ORA-01504 错误的常见原因 环境变量设置错误:ORACLE_SID 环境变量设置与...
ORA-01504 database name 'string' does not match initialization parameter DB_NAME 'string' Cause The database name during create or mount did not match the name specified for the DB_NAME initialization parameter. Action Correct or omit one of the two names....
ORA-01504 错误解决方案 ORA-01504 database name 'string' does not match parameter db_name 'string' Cause: The name in a database create or mount does not match the name given in the initialization parameter DB_NAME. Action: Correct or omit one of the two names. 分享到: 【经验...