1. ORA-01441错误的含义 ORA-01441错误是一个Oracle数据库错误,具体信息为“无法减小列长度,因为一些值过大”。这个错误表明你试图减小一个表中某列的字符长度或数值范围,但是该列中已存在的数据超出了新设定的长度或范围,因此无法完成修改。 2. 导致ORA-01441错误的可能原因 数据超出新长度:试图将列的长度减小到...
苍穹升级脚本报错ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big 二、解决方法 1、查询具体表类型及长度 1)查询具体库中表T_ER_REIMBURSEENTRY中列FTOCITYSTR类型为varchar(255) 2)再检查此表中具体字段实际占用长度 综合上面结果,实际改为varchar(100)是不允许的,可以跳过,按下面步骤处...
ORA-01441 Error解决办法Oracle/PLSQL: ORA-01441 Error Error Message ORA-01441: column to be modified must be empty to decrease column length Cause of Error You tried to execute anSQL ALTER TABLE MODIFYstatement on a character column to decrease its size, but the column contained data. You ...
之后将zz表中jtdh(家庭电话)长度大于30的jtdh(家庭电话)截取长度为30的数据 update zz set jtdh=substr(jtdh,1,30),gxsj=sysdate where length(jtdh)>'30'; commit; 最后,修改zz表中jtdh(家庭电话)长度为30 alter table zz modify jtdh VARCHAR2(30); 是不是觉得这一切都是正常的,没有问题,为什么会...
顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: IT计算机--并行计算/云计算 Oracle/PLSQL:ORA-01441ErrorErrorMessageORA-01441:columntobemodifiedmustbeemptytodecreasecolumnlengthCauseofErrorYoutriedtoexecuteanSQLALTERTABLEMODIFYstatementonacharactercolumntodecreaseitssize,butthecolumncontaineddata...
* ERROR at line 1: ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big SOLUTION: Attempt to reduce length of a column which contains data, whose length is more than new column length , will result in error. I.e if we are trying to modifying the column to varchar2(...
(*) FCOUNT INTO CNT FROMUSER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE (COLUMN_NAME = 'FRESUME' AND TABLE_NAME ='T_SHE_CHEQUE');IF CNT > 0 THENEXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLEt_she_cheque MODIFY FResume NVARCHAR2 (300)';END IF;END;] failed, sqlcode[1441] sqlstat[72000],Causedby[ORA-01441: cannot decrease...
ORA-01441 Cloud Applications Cloud Infrastructure On-Premises Applications Middleware Database Engineered Systems Java Systems Operating Environments Virtualization Industry-Specific Applications Architecture Center Tutorials and Labs All Services & Products
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: 19c To 11g Downgrade fail with ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is t
ora-01441 error解决办法 oracle/plsql:ora-01441 error error message ora-01441: column modifiedmust decreasecolumn length cause erroryou tried sqlalter table modify statement charactercolumn decreaseits size, columncontained data. you can only modify charactercolumn whose values allnull. resolution oracle...