5. 给出进一步的资源或支持信息以供用户参考 Oracle 官方文档:Oracle 官方文档提供了关于错误代码、约束和表结构修改的详细信息。Oracle Database Error Messages 数据库论坛和社区:如 Stack Overflow、Oracle 社区等,这些平台上有许多经验丰富的开发者和 DBA,可以提供关于数据库问题的帮助和建议。
there is a strange error ocurring to me. I'm working with Hibernate, I have mapped class called Widget, which has a Parameter class, but when I try to insert I get "ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into..." The mapping is properly done as: <bag cascade="none" inverse="true" lazy=...
While copying, pasting or loading a feature class or table from a non-Oracle geodatabase into Oracle, the following error is returned:"Underlying RDBMS error [ORA-01400: cannot insert into ("TB","MYTABLE","MYFIELD")]" Cause This error can occur when there are zero-length ('') strings...
有两种可能,一是你插入了空值,二是字段C_SCRIPT_ID not null即定义了不为空当然无法插入空值,要想插入空值,就在表的原程序里去掉C_SCRIPT_ID后面的not null,这样就ok了!
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1400 encountered ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into(“TEST”.”A_TAB”.”COL001″) Column : 1 Column : 官网给出的解决方案 Solution 1. Use DataPump export/import utilities(expdp/impdp) or: 2. Starttraditional export utility (exp) in conventional path mode (DIRECT=...
Database Error Messages Error Messages Oracle Database Database Error MessagesRelease 23ai Updated Sep 9, 2024 ORA-01400 cannot insert NULL into (string) Cause An attempt was made to insert NULL into previously listed objects. Action These objects cannot accept NULL values. Reservable columns ...
RMAN-00569: === ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS === RMAN-00571: === RMAN-03009: failure of resync command on default channel at 01/06/2012 10:39:11 ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("RMAN_YANGDB"."RLH"."LOW_TIME") 报错的原因是因为:不能向恢复目录数据库的表RL...
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into Error text: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into when insert into view, NULL value handler in trigger. 2次错误都是trigger missing, trigger里面
In Release 12, Autoinvoice ends with the following error in the log:APP-AR-11526: ORA-01400: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL intoThis may be followed by an additional test indicating the table that would not accept the null value. For example:APP-AR-11526: ORA-01400: ORA-01400: cannot ...
1StatementCallback; uncategorized SQLExceptionforSQL2[insert into test(schoolId,classId,teacherId,weekId,serialno,name) values(28529,23402,328717,7,8,'')];3SQL state [null]; error code [17081]; 批处理中出现错误: ORA-01400: 无法将 NULL 插入 ("XXX"."test"."ID")4; nested exception is...