ORA-01565: error in identifying file '/refresh/home/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbs/UNNAMED00008'ORA-27037: unable to obtain file statusLinux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directoryAdditional information: 7Checker run found 1 new persistent data failures...
data file 31: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTOGG/jiekexu_data02.dbf...' ORA-27041: unable to open file Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory Additional information...-01110: data file 31: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTOGG/jiekexu_data02.dbf' ORA-01565: error in identify...
ORA-01565 oerr ora 1565 01565, 00000, "error in identifying file '%s'" // *Cause: An error occurred while trying to identify a file. // *Action: Check the error stack for detailed information. 适用于: Oracle Database – Enterprise Edition – 版本 到 [Release 8.1....
有客户联系我,数据库强制关闭之后无法正常启动,通过他们一系列尝试,数据库报open 报ORA-01555错误 通过分析确认是由于客户屏蔽一致性强制拉库失败导致 Wed Nov 01 19:49:03 2023 alter database open resetlogs RESETLOGS is being done without consistancy checks. This may result in a corrupted database. The d...
数据文件 11: '/oracle_data/oracle/zf4.dbf'ORA-01565: 标识文件 '/oracle_data/oracle/zf4.dbf...' 时出错ORA-27037: 无法获得文件状态Linux-x86_64 Error: 5: Input/output error Additional information: 3 Tue Apr...这里我说一下简单的处理思路: 1. 通过odu 扫盘,分别以不同offset方式来扫(0和...
数据文件 11: '/oracle_data/oracle/zf4.dbf'ORA-01565: 标识文件 '/oracle_data/oracle/zf4.dbf...' 时出错ORA-27037: 无法获得文件状态Linux-x86_64 Error: 5: Input/output error Additional information: 3 Tue Apr...这里我说一下简单的处理思路: 1. 通过odu 扫盘,分别以不同offset方式来扫(0和...