如果some_view 视图所依赖的基础表或视图中有你当前用户没有足够权限的对象,就会触发 ORA-01039 错误。 2. 理解 ORA-01039 错误的含义 这个错误的核心是权限问题。视图是一个虚拟表,它基于一个或多个基础表或视图。如果你对视图进行操作,Oracle 会检查你是否对视图所依赖的所有基础对象都有足够的权限。 3. 识别...
ORA-01039: insufficientprivilegesonunderlying objectsoftheviewSP2-0612: Error generating AUTOTRACE EXPLAIN report 解决方法: SQL>showuserUSER为 "SYS" SQL>grantselectanydictionarytoscott; 授权成功。 scott用户再次登录setautoton不再报错。
10G给另人新建一个用用户名查询一个视图,分配connect权限,但反馈有时候会报ora-01039错误,网上查了一下,需要再赋 grant select any dictionary to $username;
ORA-01039: insufficient privileges on underlying objects of the view,connectionassysdbaSQL>grantselectanydictionarytouser_name;
Hi folks. I`ve been trying to run EXPLAIN PLAN for select * from sample_view but get error ORA-01039 error.
Using DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE Function the user requires the user to have the SELECT privilege ...
ORA-01039: insufficient privileges on underlying objects of the view connection as sysdba SQL> grant select any dictionary to user_name; 分类:Error Resolve ArcerZhang 粉丝-21关注 -7 +加关注 posted @2013-05-03 11:43ArcerZhang阅读(458) 评论(0)编辑收藏举报...