1) There are 3 Oracle Dbs on the server. Yesterday, I was trying to create a new database using DBASSIST. I could not do it because evidently my username for the system did not have permission to create files and directories. I exited DBASSIST without doing anything more. I did not tou...
二:如果Oracle服务是开启的,但还是提示【ORA-12514:TNS:监听程序当前无法识别连接描述符中请求的服务】,再去检查下: 首先 本地oracle数据库每次登录都会报错(ORA-01034:ORACLE not available ORA-27101:shared memory realm does not exit) oracle数据库时,服务启动了,每次都报错(ORA-01034:ORACLEnot availableORA-...