执行sql时如果没有把null 转化为DbNull同样也会报以上错误 此时,应加 foreach (OracleParameter parm in parms) { if (parm.Value == null) parm.Value = DBNull.Value; }
Oracle变量绑定(ORA-01008)是指在Oracle数据库中使用变量时出现的错误。当执行SQL语句时,如果绑定变量的值未被正确赋值或者赋值为NULL,就会触发ORA-01008错误。 变量绑...
We are trying to execute an oracle function that requires parameters and we are getting the error ORA-01008- Not all variables are bound. We are pretty sure the problem is in how we are binding the variable that is supposed to received the result of the function. First we tried the...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms While dropping a table, ORA-01008 error is reported when CURSOR_SHARING is set to FORCE or SIMILAR. Changes Cause Sign In To view full details, sign in with...
On previewing the report in a report viewer, an Oracle error 'ORA-01008: Not all variables are bound' is thrown. Sometimes, the report will display without errors in the Standalone Report Designer but the error gets thrown when displaying that same report in a report viewer....
Sign in to Cloud Error Messages Oracle Database Database Error Messages Release 23ai Updated Sep 9, 2024 value for bind variable placeholdervariable_namewas not provided variable_name: The name of the bind variable without a value or its position. ...
I'm having the same problem, my query works well in oracle, but when I use it in Power BI, it generates the error ORA-01008. Any ideas? Select cod_motivo ,descr_motivo,CPF_TITULAR, CD_CONTRATANTE, NM_CONTRATANTE, CHAVE_BENEFICIAIO, NOME_BENEFICIARIO, CPF_BENEFICIARIO, U##...
Some sample reports for Oracle do not work. When running them they return the error:"ORA-01008:Not all Variables bound". These report can be found in Tools | Reports | Reports Manager 要求登录 您需要登录并且已签署最新的维护合同,才可查看 高级知识文章...
Getting ORA-01008 error when trying to execute a function via OCI We are trying to execute an oracle function that requires parameters and we are getting the error ORA-01008- Not all variables are bound. We are pretty sure the problem is in how we are binding the ... oracle-database...